Chapter 27

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It was now dusk and Sai stopped at a cave.

"We still have a long way to go until we reach the mist Village" he said.

"Yeah. We'll probably have to wake up early in the morning" I said.

"Ok" said Genma.

I was out getting fire wood for dinner and I saw someone look at me. They had the Sharingan but I couldn't see who it was.

I went down to the spot I saw the person in, but there was no trace of anyone being there. Maybe I was going crazy.

I grabbed a few logs from a nearby tree and headed back.

I carried the wood over and felt a sharp pain on my side, making me drop all the wood.

"Are you okay Itachi?" asked Genma.

"Yeah. Just a bit clumsy today" I said.

I picked up the wood and put on in the ground.

"Crap. There's only half a bottle of water" said Sai.

"It's okay. You two can share it. I drank water already" I said.

"You sure Itachi?" asked Genma.


I started the fire and headed to my bed.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" asked Sai.

"Yeah. I'm just tired" I said.

Sai passed me some fish and I ate it; slowly but it was eventually finished.

"Okay. We should go to sleep now" I said.

"Agreed" said Genma.

We hopped into our beds as I untied my long hair, using it to cover my face.

I woke up and Genma and Sai were waiting for me to wake up.

"Jeez. Took ya long enough" said Genma.

"Ha. Sorry" I said.

I quickly brushed my hair and packed up my bag and other things and we soon got back on the trail.

My vision blurred a bit so I stopped and jerked forward a bit.

Sai and Genma didn't seem to notice so I guess I was okay.

As we kept running through the trees, we got closer and closer to the village gate of the Mist.

"There it is" said Genma.

We finally reached the gate and headed through.

"Where is the cave?" asked Genma.

"I think it's near the back" said Sai.

"Can we get breakfast? I'm hungry" I said.

"Sure" said Sai.

We ate quickly and there was his creepy guy watching us.

I shrugged at him slightly and he turned away.

We all got up and left the cafe, bringing any extra food we'd need.

I then spotted a fire. I activated my Sharingan and I saw 4 people trapped.

"Should we go?" I asked.

"Yeah" said Genma.

We headed near the fire and Sai and Genma had found the two people.

It was very smoky and I couldn't see much.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and punched me.

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