Chapter 5

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Shisui started shaking me to see if I was awake.

"Itachi! Itachi wake up!" he yelled.

"I'm awake Shisui" I said weakly.

"What happened to you?" he asked.

"I haven't been sleeping at all lately so I guess my body just gave in" I said.

"Well do you want me to take you home?" he asked.

"No. My father will be disappointed in me and my brother will nag me. I'll stay here until I feel like I can move" I said.

Shisui nodded and he left the room, leaving me lying on the ground.

Shisui entered the room again and carried me onto his bed. He got on with me, and put my head on his lap.

He stroked my hair which I very much enjoyed and we talked for a while.

"You're like a cat, you love being pet don't you?" he said.

I laughed softly.

"I guess I do" I said.

"Can I braid your hair?" asked Shisui.

"Yeah sure, I don't mind" I said.

He was going to give me two braids, and I relaxed as he went on braiding.

I'm not sure how but when he made the braid, the twisting eased the pain of my headache, so I slowly drifted off to sleep.
"Itachi you should get going" said Shisui softly.


I started walking home and eventually arrived. I quietly slipped my shoes off so Sasuke wouldn't hear and annoy me.

I headed into the kitchen where father was waiting for me.

"Well? How did it go?"

"It was fine. I'm gonna go to bed, it's getting late" I said.

"Tell me about your mission" he said.

I felt a cough build up in my throat but I couldn't cough or father would get mad that I got sick on my first day of being in ANBU.

"It was an A-rank. I killed the Leaf Jonin killer."

"Okay. You may go to bed" he said.

"And take those stupid braids off."

I ran to my room and Sasuke was there waiting for me. My eyes teared again from not coughing, and Sasuke seemed to notice.

"Niisan why are your eyes teary?"

"Because I have to cough" I said.

"Then Just cough Niisan."

"I can't. Father will hear and he will get mad" I said.

Sasuke gave me a look telling me to just cough and I couldn't hold it anymore so I coughed a lot, and they eventually turned into dry heaves.


"What?" I asked.

"Are you going to throw up?" he said.

"I need to but I won't Sasuke" I said.

"Niisan if you need to then just do it. I'll distract father!"

I gestured him to go and distract father while I ran to the bathroom.

I pulled my hair back and crouched next to the toilet.

I put two fingers down my throat and out came my lunch.

I walked out and father was outside.

"You done Itachi?"

Thank god he didn't hear. I had to brush my teeth shortly after so he wouldn't suspect anything.


I walked out of the bathroom and plopped onto my bed.

I undid my hair and let it spread across the bed and went to sleep.

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