Chapter 8

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Soon enough, mother came to the door.

"Itachi what happened to your eye?! she yelled.

"Scream it to the world mom" I said.

"Sorry. Who's this cute boy you've got with you?" she asked smiling at Gaara.

"This is Gaara. He's an orphan. I told him I could care for him if it's okay with you" I said.

"Well of course you can sweetie! It would be nice for Sasuke to have someone to play with while you're gone Itachi" she said.

"Well there's always a rock in the river" I mumbled.

She looked at me because she knew what I was talking about.

"I'll tell your father about him. Don't worry, Gaara will be able to stay" she said.

I led Gaara to Sasuke's room as I knocked in his door.

"Who is it?" he said.

I smiled for a bit before I responded because it had been a while since I had heard his cute voice.

"Guess Who?" I asked.

Sasuke opened the door.


"Sasuke, this is Gaara. He has been adopted into our house. He's your new brother" I said.

"Hi Gaara, I'm Sasuke!"

The two boys smiled and went off outside to play. I was glad they were getting along.

"Itachi Uchiha!"

Uh oh. What'd I do this time?

I headed to fathers office and he sat on his chair as he waited to me to sit on the floor.

"Unwrap the bandages" he said.

"Did he know about my eye?"

I revealed my non existent eye as father had a blank expression on his face.

"How could MY son fall victim to the Sharingan hunter?" he yelled.

I walked out of the room.

Father ran in front of me and hit me. Various times.

I couldn't stop him. It would just make him hit me more.

I didn't get knocked out, but I now had a black eye, a few cuts on my arms and legs, and my whole body was bruised.

I slowly and painfully limped to Shisui's. He would fix me up.

Ugh but he would freak out. Heck he'd probably fight my father. But I had no choice.

I limped on over to the window.

I then felt immense pain in my legs and screamed.


I heard frantic footsteps as I fell onto the ground, like a helpless mouse or something.

Shisui looked at the window but he couldn't see me. He checked outside the door and walked around the house, getting closer and closer to my screams.

"What now?!" he yelled.

Shisui knee I wasn't one for crying and neither was he, but his eyes teared as he saw me. I looked like a freakin punching bag.

He carried me as he tried to hide his tears.

"Mom?" he asked.

"Yeah honey?"

"I'm going out. I'll be back in an hour!" he yelled.

I could tell he was trying not to show his mom he was crying.

He headed outside the house and into a secret place only we knew of.

"Itachi. I need you to tell me who did this to you" said Shisui activating his Sharingan.

"No need for Sharingan. I don't need revenge" I said.


"Shisui... I came to you because I trust you and because you know me more than anyone. Now is the time where I don't want you going on a rampage looking for the person who did this to me. I don't need it" I said.

Shisui sighed.

"You always were an introvert" he said.

I laughed but tried hard not to because it hurt to laugh from the bruises on my chest.

"About time we head home" I said.

Shisui picked me up and carried me home.

He made sure Gaara and Sasuke wouldn't enter my room so they wouldn't see me and went home.

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