Chapter 26

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I woke up at 5 am. The mission began at ten, so I wanted to do something I hadn't done in so long.

I looked for Sasuke and Gaara.

"Hi Niisan!" they said.

"I have a few hours. We can play together" I said.

They both smiled and pulled me by the shirt outside.

"Hide and seek!" said Sasuke.

"Okay" I said.

I hid behind a tree, making it a bit easy for Gaara to find me, since this was my first time playing with him.

I then saw Gaara head the opposite direction, probably looking for Sasuke first.

I heard Sasuke complain, probably because Gaara found him. Now the two were looking for me, and Sasuke was good so I moved.

I headed to a bush filled with thorns. I felt the thorns scrape my legs and arms and I whimpered ever so slightly.

Then, Sasuke headed toward the bush and said "Found you Niisan!"

"Are you okay?" asked Gaara.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said.

I struggled to get up with the many cuts on my legs.

"I can help Niisan!" said Gaara.

Gaara summoned some sand and the sand healed all of my cuts.

This was not good. Gaara was already gaining some of Shukaku's power.

I then heard my alarm from my room.

"I have to go. Bye" I said.

I headed to the front porch and surprisingly, Sai and Genma were waiting for me.

"Better Genma?" I asked.

"Yep" he said.

"Okay well we probably shouldn't waste so much time just sitting here" I said.

"That's true" said Genma laughing.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Shisui's house.

"I'll be back" I said.

I walked over to the house.

I went into Shisui's room. I took my headband off and took his. I tightened it around my head and went back outside to go to the Mist Village.

"So we need to go Southeast" said Sai.

"Okay" I said.

We looked around with a compass in our hands and found what direction we had to go in.

We headed through the forest where I met Shisui. He practiced here everyday, and he always left his things around and would clean them up the next day.

But his Kunai were here. Could it- no. He was dead.

"You okay Itachi?" asked Genma.

"Yeah I'm fine" I said.

I looked back.

Maybe. Just maybe.

I tried (Itachi Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora