Chapter 40: Why Blair?

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Luke's POV

Ever since last night's revelation, my mind was buzzing with thoughts and theories. I wanted to know everything. I needed to know everything.

I was currently in Blair's room, for no reason. I was mainly just looking around, I don't know what I was hoping to find. I just felt like coming here would somehow make my mind more clear.

And somehow I was right.


I turned around, looking at the window. "Hey," I walked to it, helping Willow get inside. "How are you feeling?"

She shrugged. "Better, I guess." She looked around before letting out a deep breath. "I miss her."

I slowly nodded. "Me too."

Willow looked at me. "I'm sorry for the loss of Blair," She then shook her head. "That shouldn't have happened."

I went to sit down on a chair in the room. "I figured you planned her death, long before you knew her, just to get revenge on Rachel?"

Willow looked away, she clearly didn't like talking about this.

"I don't agree with what you did," I sighed. "But I understand why you did it."

She then looked at me.

"I hate that Blair had to be the one to get involved in this, she did nothing wrong. She was the victim in her own life, and in your relationship with Rachel." I sighed once more. "I just hope she has found peace."

"She has," She suddenly said, gaining my attention. "She's happy."

I gulped. "You can see that?"

She gave me a look. "I'm dead as well, Luke." She got up and left the room.

I followed right behind her. We went to my room instead, only to sit on my bed. Maybe she didn't feel comfortable in Blair's room either?


She looked up at me.

"How did you get back to our world? I mean," I paused, how could I form this question so that it doesn't sound too weird? Who am I kidding, this all sounds unreal... "How is it possible that you're here? This can't be."

Willow chuckled. "You've got me, I'm actually a zombie."

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, Willow."

She sighed. "I don't know," She laid down, once again in her go-to position. "Maybe because I was furious. I wanted revenge on Rachel. I wanted to destroy the lives of those who are jerks to others, people like Dean."

"Then why hurt Blair? She did nothing wrong to you."

"I know," Willow closed her eyes. "I'm not proud of what I did. I never should've used Blair to get to Rachel, I should've gone to Dean. But seeing as Blair was Rachel's newfound love..."

I looked away, processing the news. "What about me?" I then looked at her, seeing her already look at me. "I was Rachel's boyfriend before she and Blair got together."

Willow huffed. "Come on, that meant nothing." Willow looked away. "What Rachel and Blair had, that's love." She then looked back at me. "I'm sure you can feel the difference too. Compare your relationship with Rachel to the one you have with Tina now."

I looked down, realizing she was right. It did indeed feel different.

"If I could bring Blair back, I would."

I looked at her. "Can you do that?"

Willow looked at me. "No, I don't even know how I got myself back on this world so..." She then looked away, back at the ceiling.

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