Chapter 22: She's not human

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Rachel's POV

"But Luke saw Willow too."

She raised her eyebrows. "No way."

I nodded.

"That's impossible though." She seemed to think about it. "Well..." She then got quiet.

But that was something to me. "What is it?"

She shook her head. "It's nothing."

"Come on, tell me."

She put her lunch down and then gave me all her attention. "There was this one time Blair and I met here," She gulped. "We had a lunch date, all four of us." She smiled a little but it faded immediately. "It all changed when I saw Willow."


Tina's POV

"So how's Dennis doing?" Blair asked as all four of us were having lunch together. I never imagined finding someone who understood me, who went through the same thing as I did.

I smiled. "He's great, he told me last night that what Nick did was stupid and that I shouldn't worry so much."

Blair nodded. Unfortunately, we shared that too... Nick...

"How about Willow? Did you tell her about the incident with your locker?"

She nodded. "But she already knew before me." She looked up at me. "She really helped me to let go of that."

"I understand." I reached for her hands. "You know, Nick's stupid. Let him think he's cool." I smiled at her. "He's a moron."

Blair laughed a bit.

We continued having lunch. "So does someone else know about Willow?"

Blair nodded. "I've told Rachel and Luke," She swallowed a piece of food. "And they keep complaining about meeting her."

I chuckled. "That'd be something."

Blair nodded. "Willow doesn't want to."

"No, of course not." Because she's not real. "It's impossible." I smiled at her but then my smile dropped. I let my food fall out of my hands.

"Tina, what's wrong?" Blair reached for my hands, but I was frozen. "Tina?"

Behind Blair, I saw a girl, who seemingly had appeared out of nowhere. She suddenly appeared and was smirking down at me. She put her finger on her lips, motioning me to keep quiet. She then vanished.


Rachel's POV

"At first I thought I saw a ghost," She shook her head. "But I knew what I saw."

I looked away, thinking. What if Luke experienced the same thing, and I didn't believe him... I looked at Tina, who still seemed to have a difficult time with it. "Did you tell Blair?"

She shook her head. "I made up something, I didn't want to cause problems between her and Willow."

"So that was Willow?"

She shrugged. "I assumed so. We were talking about Willow and then this girl appeared motioning me to shut up." She sighed deeply. "I'm glad it never happened after that."

"So would it be possible that Luke experienced the same thing?"

She shrugged. "I don't know, I don't even know if that was Willow..."

I let my hand go through my hair, this was getting so difficult. "So you saw a ghost-like girl, and you think that might have been Willow?"

She nodded.

"Only one way to find out."

She raised her eyebrows.

"We have to talk to Luke."


And so after school, Tina and I met up with Luke by his car. Luke was surprised to see Tina there but didn't mind her coming with us to his house.

I was excited to see Tina in his house, mainly since she had seen something. If it was Willow, she might see her again. Especially in Luke's house.

We arrived at Luke's house and, once again, I noticed the window to Blair's room was open. I looked at Luke. "Didn't you close that this morning?"

He nodded.

I got chills then. "How is it open?"

"Willow." He passed by me to enter his house. Tina seemed surprised as well.

We entered the house. Luke was sitting on the couch while I watched Tina look around. "So this is Blair's house?" She seemed in awe.

"Yeah," Well it was her house... "And probably Willow's too."

She looked at me, then at Luke. She walked to him. "Apparently you've seen Willow too?"

At that, he sat up. "You too?" He seemed excited.

She nodded. "Well, I think I did." She paused. "Can you describe her?"

He nodded. "Long black hair, blood-red lips, skin as white as snow, exactly Blair's height and build, she only wears black, mainly hoodies, black nail polish."

I looked at Tina and saw she didn't move during that description, exactly as I had asked. I needed Luke's version.

"And, what about you?" He then asked.

Tina looked at me, to which I started talking to Luke. "Well before we asked your opinion, I asked Tina to write down her own description of Willow, in case you two might influence each other's description."

"Smart." Luke nodded.

I smiled but it faded immediately. I took the piece of paper and showed it to him.

He then looked from it to us. "It's the same." He looked again, as if making sure he saw it correctly. "It's the same."

"So I saw Willow..." Tina got up. "I can't believe she's real."

"Well..." I got up as well. "You saw her appear and vanish..."

"But she touched me, Rach, and she opens the window." Luke defended his case. "She's not a ghost."

"She touched you?"

Luke nodded before showing the spot Willow had touched. They both looked like fans to a superstar.


"So what is she then?" I thought out loud. "She can appear and vanish as she pleases, she can touch things..."

"She knows things," Luke said to which we all looked at him. "She knew how I felt before I even told her."

I sighed. "She can do paranormal things..." I looked around, as if the answer would pop up in front of me. "She can touch real things, making her not a ghost..." I was going to break my head over this...

"Maybe she's an alien?" Tina shrugged. "Or a witch, or a wizard."

I sighed. "Those things don't exist, Tina."

"Girls who appear and vanish don't exist either, yet I saw it in front of my own eyes." She had a point... "Where's Blair's room?" She asked Luke.

"I'll show you." Luke took Tina upstairs, showing her Blair's room. 

I stayed downstairs. I wanted to figure this out. 

She could touch man-made objects but she could appear out of nowhere like a ghost. She was able to talk to Luke and Blair but she also knew exactly how they felt before they even told her.

This doesn't sound like a normal girl, there's something behind this. Something creepy. I don't know what Willow is, but I know for sure that she's not human.

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