Chapter 38: Willow and Rachel - Part 2

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Rachel's POV

I rang the doorbell, and waited. As usual, I didn't need to wait long as Willow's mom opened the door immediately. "Hello Rachel," She let me in. "Nice to see you again." She then smiled at me.

I smiled as well. "You too." I loved Willow's mom. She was a caring, loving and supportive mother. What more could you want? "Is Willow home?"

"Yes," Helen walked to the corridor that led to both bedrooms. "Willow, Rachel's here!" She then came to me. "She wasn't feeling well last night. Did something happen?"

"Not really," I didn't want to involve Helen too much into it but, seeing as she eyed me, she knew there was more to this. I sighed. "There was a situation between Willow and my cousin."

She raised her eyebrows. "What happened?"

I shrugged, trying to minimize what happened. "It was nothing, just a misunderstanding."

Helen nodded but didn't seem too convinced. "Ok," She looked back at the corridor. "Willow!"

"Yes!" Willow came out of her room, she still seemed pissed. Then her eyes landed on me, she rolled her eyes and went straight to the kitchen.

Helen looked back at me. "That doesn't seem like 'just a misunderstanding', Rachel." She then went to the kitchen.

I sighed and followed them. I entered and saw Willow and Helen sit down. Helen was caressing Willow's cheek, it looked like she was comforting her. 

"Hey," I sat down as well, gaining the attention of both of them. "How are you, Willow?"

She looked at me. "Have you spoken to your parents? Have you cleared my name?"

Helen looked at me. "What happened?"

I sighed, looking away.

"Her cousin's an idiot."

"Willow, watch your language." Helen said stern.

Willow sighed. "Her cousin's mean, he's homophobic. He insulted us," Willow then looked at me. "And she did nothing."

Helen pulled Willow closer. "It's ok," She then looked at me. "You won't see him any time soon, right?"

I slowly nodded.

"Good," Helen kissed Willow's head a few times, calming Willow down. "I'll make a phone call to Rachel's parents to explain the situation."

Willow looked up, smiling at her mom. "Thanks, mom."

"That won't be necessary," I started, gaining their attention once more. "We should tell them instead."

"If you'd like that," Helen said to which I nodded. "Go together then."


We arrived at my house soon after. Willow was ready, she looked eager to clear her name and to tell my parents the whole story.

But I wasn't ready.

I knew my parents wouldn't like hearing this, even if it's the truth. They're not bad people, they just don't like hearing bad things about their family. Our family is like one, we're all together. We'd protect everyone.

We entered my house. Willow was going straight for the living room but I pulled her with me, to my room.

"Why are we here?" she asked as we arrived in my room. She crossed her arms, sighing.

"Willow," I sighed. "We can't tell my parents."

She let her arms rest on either side of her body. She seemed upset. "Why not? They should know what really happened." She then came closer to me. "He mistreated us, Rachel. That's not right."

"I know," I turned around, facing the door of my room. I sighed as I locked the door as quietly as possible. "But we have to be realistic," I then turned back around, facing Willow. "You know my family's close, they wouldn't listen to you."

Willow stepped closer. "They'd listen to you," She took my hands in hers. "They want to see you happy as well."

I looked down.

"Rach," She then made me look up at her. "This wasn't the first time," She caressed my cheeks slowly. "It'll never end if we don't do anything."

I thought it over, she was right. We have to do something. "I know."

"Good," Willow showed me a small smile. "Let's go tell them then." She walked past me and wanted to open the door, but she couldn't. She then looked at me. "Why is the door locked?"

I gulped. "I don't want you to tell my parents. Not yet."

"What?" She walked to me again, standing right in front of me. "Rachel, why wait? It has to happen."

"I know," I looked down. "But just give me time."

"Time for what?" Willow paced around my room, she was getting frustrated. "I don't understand you."

"I just want to figure out what we'll say and how we'll say it, have a plan of action."

Willow stopped and looked at me, she didn't seem convinced. "Now you're just making up excuses."

"I'm not." I looked away, crossing my arms.

"Yes, you are. Why can't you fight for what you believe in? For us?" Willow got angry. And I knew what I had to do then.

I left.

I went to my window, which had a connected balcony. I opened the windowed door and went onto the tiny balcony. I stayed there, to relax.

Soon enough Willow came onto the balcony as well. She wrapped her arms around me, hugging me from behind. "I'm sorry," She kissed my head. "I don't like us fighting."

I let out a breath. "Me either," I placed my hands on hers. "Can we just stay here?"

"We can." Willow then kissed my head again, she did that a lot when we were together. 

I smiled and closed my eyes, relaxing in her arms. I love our moments like this, where we'd stand on the balcony together. Whether it was during the day or during the night.

"I love it here," I informed her. "This really feels like our special place."

"Yeah," Willow's grip on me tightened a bit. "Our own love story."

I chuckled and turned around, facing her. "True," I wrapped my arms around her neck. "You're my Romeo."

"And you're my Juliet." She wrapped her arms around me. "It's nice of your parents that they gave me an easy way into your bedroom." She chuckled.

I nudged her. "I don't think they expected me to date someone who'd rather use a window to get into a house than a door, like normal people."

"Being normal is so boring." She smiled a little.

I returned that smile but it soon faded. I couldn't keep ignoring the problem. "Willow," I looked her in the eyes. "Promise me you won't tell anything to my parents. Dean will mature and realize what he's doing is wrong. We could also just ignore him."

She raised her eyebrows, then shook her head. "Rachel, I have to tell you parents about Dean. Ignoring an issue won't make it go away."

I spy with my little eye (Sequel to 'Invisible')Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang