Chapter 6: The cursed room

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Luke's POV

"What do we do now?" Rachel was walking in circles, she was irritated. "I can't believe they're still not listening. After everything that has happened!"

I sighed. "I guess that's how Blair must've felt." I looked down.

Rachel sighed as well and walked to me, she sat down next to me on the bed. "We can't give up, Luke." She looked at me. "We have to find Willow."

I slowly nodded. "But how?" I looked at her. "What she said about Willow being Blair's imaginary friend..." I slowly shook my head. "You don't think she - "

"No!" She got up again. "Willow is something else, someone else." She paused. "I think."

I nodded, realizing that neither of us really had an explanation at the moment. Maybe mom was right and Blair should just go to therapy. But it doesn't feel right. There's something more to this, there has to be.

I looked back up at her. "Should I drop you off at home?"

She let her hand go through her hair. "I know I should go home..."

"Your parents must be worried." I stated. I'm surprised they're not asking her to be home more...

She looked at me. "I'd rather stay here, I want to explore Blair's room again," She then looked to the door, the direction of Blair's room. "At night."

"At night?" Oh, this is where I got scared. "I don't know about that, Rach." She looked at me again. "Last time I was there at night... I got a weird feeling."

"I wonder if Willow checks in here at night. Maybe she doesn't have a place to stay..." She nodded, she seemed convinced of what she wanted to do. "We'll go tonight."

I gulped, realizing I didn't have much choice left... "Ok."

And so Rachel slept on the couch again. Mom and dad didn't mind, in fact I think they thought it was normal. Maybe they thought she did this for me...? I don't know.

During dinner, mom and dad didn't talk about Willow or Blair, not once. The bag, that we had left at the table, was gone. And when we asked about it, they simply waved us off.

After dinner, we all watched a movie. It lasts for almost 3 hours, preventing Rachel and me to go to Blair's room to look for clues.

When mom and dad finally went to bed, I stayed with Rach for a while. We just sat there, waiting until we thought it was safe.

"Where would they have put that bag?" Rach suddenly asked.

I shrugged and then looked around. "Maybe they threw it away, or put it back at Blair's room."

Rachel sighed. "That bag should go back to that room."


"If Willow's real, she'd want her stuff back."

I slowly nodded. I want to sit down in front of her. "There's a knife in that bag, Rach. What about that?"

"Oh right..." She looked down. "Well we can take that out and put the rest back." She looked around again. "I think it's best not to anger her."

"Or it." I added.

Rach gave me an unamused look.

"Right, her."

After 15 minutes, we got up and slowly got upstairs. We walked to Blair's room. But the closer we got to that room, the more that feeling in me grew. I just didn't trust that.

"Rach," I stopped her right before she'd open the door to Blair's room. "Maybe we shouldn't."

She looked at me. "Why not?"

I gulped, my hand going over my belly. "I have this weird feeling, and it's growing the more we get closer to Blair's room."

"Because there is something here, Luke." She turned around, taking the handle in her hands.

"I just don't trust it."

She sighed and turned to me again. "Why do you chicken out now? We agreed to this, Luke. Don't you want to find Willow?"

"Of course, I do." I gulped, clenching my fists. "Let's go."

She nodded and turned back to the door again. She took the handle and, very slowly and quietly, she turned it.

The door slowly opened, revealing a dark and quiet room. I could feel the weird and tense atmosphere from here.

Rachel entered, to which I followed.

"Close the door." she said, but did look at me. Instead she looked around, in pure darkness.

I closed the door behind me. Then I felt at the wall, looking for the light switch. When I found it, the lights went on. But Rachel was gone.

"Rach?" I looked around, gulping. "Rachel? Where are you?"

I looked around, my head going from one side to the other. As time passed, I'd move even faster. I knew and I felt something was off here, I knew it!


My breathing started heaving. Where is she? How can she disappear in thin air? And why did she leave me alone in this room?

I slowly backed off, keeping the room in my eye-sight.

When I felt the door on my back, I felt for the handle. When I got it, I tried opening the door. But it wouldn't open.


I pulled and I pushed at that door, it still wouldn't open. I should try to give it all my attention, but I knew I couldn't show my back to this room, this cursed room.

I looked around more, focusing on everything. And because of that, I started seeing things, things that weren't there. "Rachel, please!"

I starting sweating. I was freaking out. Why isn't she responding?

I pulled and pushed at the door, but I realized I needed to give it my full attention. I wouldn't get out of this cursed room otherwise.

I sighed and turned around, despite my better judgment. My back was now facing the room while I was facing the door.

I pulled and pushed but the door still wouldn't move an inch. It seemed as if it wanted to keep me in, as if it wanted to lock me in here. With whatever was here.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, two arms wrapped around me. I screamed, until my mouth got covered.

I spy with my little eye (Sequel to 'Invisible')Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz