Chapter 37: Willow and Rachel - Part 1

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- 1 year ago - 

Rachel's POV

I slowly opened my eyes, brightness filled my pupils immediately. I groaned as I stretched in my bed.

"Morning, oldie."

I smiled. I felt around with my hands and, when I found what I was looking for, swung the pillow against her. "How dare you call me oldie?" I got up, sitting on top of her now.

"Well, you're old!" She reached for her pillow, to hit me back, but I held her hands above her.

I leaned in closer. "I'm only a few months older. That means nothing."

She chuckled. "How are you feeling?"

"Not old, if that's what you're hinting at." I stuck out my tongue.

She reached up and licked my tongue, which made me release her from the sudden surprise. She then rolled us so she was on top. "I was just curious, you know." She then leaned in, connecting our lips.

I wrapped my arms around her waist while she laid her arms on either side of my head, keeping her up. 

Suddenly a knock on the door. "Willow, Rachel's mom called asking if you know where she..." She then stopped and smiled as she saw me. "Hello Rachel."

"Hello Mrs.Bakar."

"Rachel, I've told you to call me Helen." She smiled at me, she then looked at Willow. "You could tell her parents next time."

"Yes, mom." Willow then looked back at me, leaning in to kiss my neck.

I smiled as I welcomed the affection.

"Rachel, give your parents a call. Apparently, your family's gathering up today, they want you there."

"Yes, Mrs..." I then stopped as I saw her eye me. "I mean, Helen."

She smiled and then left us alone.

I looked at the nightstand, where my phone was on. I reached for it, immediately noticing I had several missed calls. "Damn it."

Willow looked up. "What? Did you come already?" She looked down.

"No," I then motioned to my phone. "My parents called several times. They must be worried."

"Call them back then." She went back to my neck, nibbling my skin.

I dialed my mom's number, she answered immediately. "Mom, I'm sorry for not telling you where I was. After last night's party, I went home with Willow. But I'll be home for this family gathering, I promise."

"I'm just relieved you're ok. Keep us updated next time, please."

"Of course," I then looked down, at Willow. "Can I bring Willow?" I asked as I saw Willow look at me in horror. She was already shaking her head.

"Of course, she's welcome."

"Thank you, mom," I then smiled at Willow. "We'll be there in a bit." I then ended the call. I put my phone away. "So we have to get ready for today."

She glared at me but got up anyway. "Let's."


My family knew about Willow and I, and they didn't mind. In fact, they were happy for me. They saw I was happy and were thankful for that, that's also why Willow was invited to all my family gatherings.

And today was no different. The whole family was here, enjoying a barbecue we had in our backyard. All my cousins, aunts, uncles, grandmas and grandpas were here. All to celebrate my birthday, one day later.

"So many people, just for you." Willow kissed my cheek.

"You two chicks are still together?" my cousin, Dean, said. He was the black sheep of the family for sure. No one liked him.

"Yes," I then took Willow's hand. "Come."

"It's pathetic to look at," Dean continued, immediately making Willow look at him. She was triggered by people like Dean, people who were looking for ways to intentionally make your life annoying. "I bet I can straighten you up."

I gulped. "Willow, come."

"You're just going to take that?"

I looked down. What was I supposed to do? Go up against him? He was my cousin, my aunt and mom wouldn't like us fighting.

Willow groaned, then she looked at Dean. "You know nothing."

"I know you two haven't had good sex with the right guy," He smirked. "Let me quickly help you change sides." He already came towards us. Did he really expect us to go with him?

Willow huffed before taking a glass of soda and throwing it all over his pants. Though that caught the attention of everyone.

"They started!" Dean later claimed, pushing Willow and me on the spot. "Willow's violent, for no reason! She's bad for Rachel."

Willow would look at me, for backup, but I couldn't and wouldn't go against my family. "It won't happen anymore." I simply stated, calming my family's nerves but irritating Willow even more.

After the party, Willow was waiting for me at the front of the house. I was saying goodbye to everyone.

"It was nice having you all here."

"Same for us, Rachel," Grandma smiled at me, she pinched my cheek. "You've grown so much." She released my cheek. "Be careful with your girlfriend though. She seems troubled."

"She's really good, not violent at all." I looked at all of them, even my parents were doubting it at this point. "It was an accident, it won't happen anymore."


We all looked outside, then ran to the noise. We arrived and saw Dean lying on the ground, his hand holding his private parts.

I saw Willow stand there, frustrated and mad. I went to her. "What happened? What did you do?"

She looked at me. "He came on to me, he tried touching me inappropriately. I had to do something to stop him."

"Girls," I looked behind me and saw mom, she didn't seem pleased. "This is not ok."

"Exactly." Willow agreed, but I'm not sure she knew what she was agreeing to...

"Willow," Mom started, making Willow look at her. "I don't want you around my daughter tonight. Go home and cool off."

"But he started it!" Willow desperately motioned to Dean, who was getting in the car with the help of his parents and my dad. "He's a jerk!"

"I stand with what I said," Mom motioned me to get inside. "We'll see you tomorrow."

I sighed and followed mom and dad inside, leaving Willow all frustrated on her own. I knew she wouldn't cool off, in fact, she'd get even more angry...

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