Chapter 8: Girls with glasses

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Rachel's POV

During the first few periods, I wasn't paying any attention to the teacher or the class. I was thinking. I was going back over every conversation I had with Blair, involving Willow.

I remember she said Willow was good at hiding, but she'd always be around. Would she be here somewhere? I don't even know how Willow looks like...

But then there's this one time, I remember. Blair would have lunch with Willow, and I actually saw them, outside. What did Willow look like then?

When it was lunchtime, I walked to my locker. In doing so, I passed by Blair's locker. I walked to it, feeling it. I know this must look weird to others since they have no clue what's going on...

"Well hello Rachel."

I groaned and looked at my left. "What is it, Nick?"

He looked from me to Blair's locker. "When will she be back?"

"Why would I tell you?"

He sighed. "I'm sorry, Rachel. I know that what I did was wrong, but - "

"I don't need to hear this." I walked past him, making sure to nudge him in the process.

"You know I didn't mean for any of this to happen." I don't know how he could do it. How he could still sound so insincere even though Blair's going through a very hard time, all because of him.

"Whatever, Nick."

"Hey," Luke arrived, kissing my cheek. "How was it?"

I sighed again. "I've been thinking about Willow."

"Yes, me too. I've asked my friends to help." When he said that, my face dropped. "Isn't that good?"

"We'll be fine, just the two of us."

"Ah come on, Rachel, I thought you liked sharing people." Nick teased.

I couldn't handle myself anymore, I swore. I swore at him. "I hate you!" I stormed off. Thankfully, for once, Luke joined me.

"Ok, what did you find?" he asked as we walked through the school's garden, the place I had seen Willow and Blair before.

"Right here," I motioned to the bench I had seen them on. "I once saw Blair and Willow here, together."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. "It was during a lunch break, they'd always have lunch together."

"Ok," Luke walked around a little. "So we have to find the person you saw that day." He looked at me. "She has to be on this school."

I slowly smiled, I liked his motivation. "I think so too."

"Do you remember what she looked like?"

"Pff..." I tried getting that scene before my eyes, focusing on the smallest of details. "Yes," I looked at Luke. "The girl had black hair, glasses..."

"What else, a specific thing?"

"Luke, I wasn't standing next to them."

"I know," He chuckled. "I'm just trying to get her out of the majority of people."

I nodded. I focused on the scene again. "She was all in black, that's all I got."

Luke nodded. "We got ask for all the girls with black hair and glasses to meet up somewhere."

"And what if they don't come?" Since I knew there would be people who wouldn't come.

Luke nodded. "We'll go around the classes, there's no escaping there." Luke smiled proudly. "We'll find her that way."

I nodded. "And we'll get into big problems."

Luke shrugged. "Big deal." He took his phone. "I'll ask for help."


And so later on, after lunch break, we were in the hallways. "I don't know if this really is a good idea."

"We have to find her, Rach." Luke patted my shoulder before looking at his right side. His friends appeared. "Hey, thanks for helping us."

"So what's the plan?" Nick asked as he looked from Luke to me, then back to Luke.

"We're looking for all the black-haired girls with glasses, also girls who sometimes wear glasses." Luke informed them. "Tell the teacher they were needed for something and bring them to the gym. We'll meet there."

"Ok." They all ran off to a random classroom.

I looked at Luke. "I'll wait at the gym, to check up on the girls there."

Luke nodded. "Seems like we'll find her."

"I hope so." We then part ways, I ran to the gym. When I entered, I sat down on the bleachers. I was waiting impatiently, but I was also nervous. What if we really found Willow?

What would I say to her? What would she say to us? Would she know about Blair? She has to. But what if she's mean or dangerous? She does have a knife...

I hope she doesn't hate us. I'm kind of worried for that since I made Blair cheat on her with me... I wonder if Willow knows about that, actually.

Suddenly the doors opened, revealing Nick with two girls. "Here you go, Rach."

I got up and walked to the girls, I watched them up and down, from the front and the back. "You can sit there." I motioned them to the bleachers.


I shrugged. "They don't ring any bells, but I figured we can keep them here and ask about Blair."

Nick nodded and then looked away, fidgeting awkwardly.

I looked back to those two girls. They seemed very shy, somehow not the kind of girls I'd associate with Willow. However, I didn't know Willow...

And so Luke's other friends came in as well, all with girls with black hair and glasses. I'd always watch them closely before letting them sit on the bleachers.

When everyone was back, I looked at Nick. "We only miss Luke now."

Nick nodded and walked to the door. He opened it and looked around. "He's coming with one girl."

I nodded and then looked back at the girls, giving them a reassuring smile. I wonder what they must think...

"Sorry we're late." Luke said as he and the girl entered.

"It's ok." I watched the girl closely. I went around and somehow felt like she could be Willow. "You can sit down."

The girl nodded and walked to the others. I then walked to the front, so I could see all of them.

"We got you all here because we're looking for someone. And that someone might be one of you." The girls looked at each other before looking back at me. "Do you all know who Blair Heller is?" I showed a picture.

Most of them nodded, others looked at Luke and then nodded. I think she's gotten a reputation because of the bad things that happened to her...

"Who here talked to her?"

Only a few hands went in the air, including the girl I was suspecting of being Willow. Maybe I've got the real Willow here...

I spy with my little eye (Sequel to 'Invisible')Where stories live. Discover now