Chapter 26: Nick's house

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Rachel's POV

I arrived at Nick's house and knocked on the door impatiently, I needed that phone back. And now that I know something was going on between him and Blair, I knew there was a chance that he'd do something to it.

The door soon opened, revealing Nick's father. I actually have never met any of Nick's parents, and I doubt Luke or any of Nick's friends had.

"Uhm hello, sir. I'm here to see Nick."

He eyed me up and down before moving aside. I entered the house and looked around, it looked like a mess. "Nick!" The dad shouted through the house.

And within seconds, Nick appeared. He seemed in a hurry. "Dad?" When he saw me, he got even more tense. "Rachel, what are you doing here?" He gulped.

"I'm here for the phone."

The dad looked at Nick. "Is this one of your whores?"

I raised my eyebrows.

"No, dad." Nick walked to me. "Come on," He pulled me with him. "We'll be in my room, dad."

"Just don't get her pregnant." He then went to the couch.

We entered Nick's room. Nick closed and locked the door, strangely. He let out a breath.

"Why is your dad like that?" I sat down on his bed. "He's horrible."

Nick shrugged. "Anyway, I've got Blair's phone here." He walked to his desk, or something that should've been his desk. He retrieved the phone before coming to me. He handed it to me. "Why did you need it back all of the sudden? I thought you wanted to know more about the signals."

"Luke wanted it back," I lied, I didn't want to make Nick suspicious. Better keep him at a safe distance, I could use him later on maybe. "So yeah." I got up again, ready to head back to Luke. "That's all for now."

"Wait," Nick blocked my path to the door. "You can't go back there, not now."

"Why not?" I crossed my arms. "I want to go home."

Nick shook his head. "Better to stay here."

"Nick, let me go through."

He crossed his arms and, I have to be honest, I got scared. I felt unsafe, suddenly.

"Let me go, or else - "

"Or else what?" He leaned back on the door, seemingly relaxed.

I looked around, there was literally no other way out. There weren't even windows to this room. I looked back at Nick. "This isn't funny anymore, let me go."

"But you just got here." He made his way towards me. "Why don't you stay for a bit?"

I retreated, I felt stuck. I was in the den of the lion, and I knew getting out of this wasn't going to be easy. In fact, I don't think I'll leave this house safely. "Nick, no, Luke needs me."

"He'll be alright." He came too close, I was trapped between him and his bed. "We should think about us now." He then pushed me down on his bed.

"Nick, stop!" I pushed him away but he managed to keep me in place, it was useless. He was stronger and he knew that. He got me here and locked his room on purpose, even his dad knew... I don't want Nick near me, certainly not on that level. "Stop it, I swear."

He smirked before he started touching me places. Places that weren't meant for him.

I tried fighting back as much as I could but it didn't work, he was stronger, he'd win.

I looked away, trying to zone out, I didn't want to experience this horrible scene that was about to happen.

You know you're stronger than him.

I looked around, where did that voice come from?

He can't win, you can't let him win.

I gulped, closing my eyes. I don't want him to win.

Defeat him, for me.

Blair... I'll win for us, Blair. I looked at Nick, straight in his eyes. He was about ready to make this day the most horrible one in my young life, but I had other plans.

I smirked, gaining a smile from him as well, before I kneed him in his most sensitive spot. He let go of me and held the spot I had kneed.

I got up, collected all my clothes and then unlocked the door. I ran out of his room, passed his dad and out of that house. I didn't even care that I was running through the streets half-naked. I needed to run to safety.


I arrived back at Luke's house. I rang the doorbell a billion times before Luke opened the door. I entered immediately and then dropped all my clothes, it's then that I realized what horror I had escaped from.

"Rach?" Luke walked to me, patting my shoulder. "Why are you not dressed?"

I looked at him, tears were already streaming down my face. The emotions got the better of me, but I didn't care. "Nick tried raping me," I wiped the tears away. "I was there to collect Blair's phone, but he locked me up in his room with him and..." I got quiet and then buried my face in my hands.

"Oh Rachel..." Luke pulled me in for a hug, he held me so close to him, and I let him. I needed a hug from a friendly person, someone I knew would never hurt me. Luke was a horrible person before, especially to Blair, but he changed. I feel it. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that." He caressed my back, ever so gently.

I buried my face deeper in his chest. I felt safe here, I didn't want to lose that feeling.

"I'll make Nick pay for touching you." He then kissed my head. "I promise."

I pulled back a little.

He looked at me, gently wiping the tears that left my eyes. "I promise." He repeated, as if I hadn't heard him the first time.

I let out a deep sigh. "Luke," I swallowed, I hated being the one to tell bad news, but I had to tell him this. He needed to understand. "I think I wasn't the first one."

"What do you mean?"

"I think Nick raped other girls before."

Luke seemed taken back, he couldn't believe it. I wouldn't believe it either, but I just knew it.

"The way he tried it, the way he planned it. I knew he had experience." I then looked down. "Even his dad asked him if I was one of his whores..."

"My God..." Luke pulled me closer again, caressing my back. "That's terrible."

I pulled back once more. I swallowed and I let out a deep sigh, trying to find all the courage I had to say the next sentence out loud: "I think he raped Blair."

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