Chapter 27: Finally some answers

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Rachel's POV

"Wait, what?" Tina was shocked, she was looking me up and down as if I had something on me. "And did he...?"

"No," I crossed my arms, as if protecting myself. "He didn't succeed. Thankfully."

She shook her head. "Unbelievable..."

Luke scooted closer to Tina. "Did he ever do that to Blair?" Ever since I told Luke that I thought Nick raped Blair, he was boiling with anger. He wanted to hurt Nick, but I managed to keep him cool. Though it wasn't easy this morning, when we saw Nick at our lockers. Nick even managed to act as if nothing had happened between us...

Tina looked from Luke to me. "I... I don't know." She looked down.

"Tina," I reached for her hands, making her look at me. "This is important. Nick and Blair had a lot of contact, up until the very last. We need to know why."

She looked down again. "I honestly don't know," She sighed. "Blair never told me."

"But you suspected it?" I asked to which she nodded. "Why?"

She looked up. "Because one day Blair changed."

"When was this?" Luke asked.

"Nick asked Blair out, he wanted her to be his girlfriend," She started to which Luke and I were shocked. "But Blair refused."

"Why?" Luke asked, he still didn't seem to get the hint that his sister was gay...

"She didn't like him," Tina then looked down. "But Nick wasn't having it. He started bullying her, harassing her, he did everything he could to make her regret her choice."

I shook my head. "What an idiot."

"How do you know that?" Luke asked.

Tina looked at Luke. "Blair told me, and she showed me the messages Nick had sent her." She paused, sighing. "They were horrible."

"Like how?"

Tina looked away. "Remember the thing that was written on her locker?" Luke and I nodded. "He first texted her that, and other stuff like that as well. He was horrible to her."

"And did he ever rape her?" I swallowed once I had asked that question. It's as if something sour had been in my mouth and I needed to swallow the bad taste away.

"I can't say for sure," Tina then looked at us. "But after the dance, everything changed."

"Yes, because Nick was horrible to her."

"But if he wanted Blair to go out with him, why would he be horrible to her the moment she said yes?" Luke asked, which was a great question.

Tina looked down. "Because he had asked her to go home with him that night."

I shook my head and looked down. There was so much I missed, so much Blair carried on her own.

"When Blair declined, they went for a walk and that's when the paint incident happened."

"And did he rape her or not?" Luke was so impatient, I think part of him was hoping that nothing like that happened. But judging by Tina's face...

Tina sighed. "After the paint incident, Blair stayed home often, she rarely went to school." She looked down. "I didn't see her much," She sighed. "But when I heard back from her, the day Nick went to your house to talk everything out with her and her parents, I knew something had happened."


She looked up at us. "Blair was scared of Nick at that point. She hated him, but she was scared more than she was angry. He did something to her the days before that. The days she was at home. But I don't know what." She then looked back down. "She never told me."

Luke looked down as well, he shook his head in defeat. "My own friend harassed my sister... My friend purposely hurt my sister... My friend raped my sister!" He got up, rather violently, and stormed off.

"Luke!" I ran after him, leaving Tina by herself in the school's garden. I reached Luke just in time, because there was Nick with his group. I went to stand in front of Luke, calming him down.

"Luke, Rachel, what's up?" Nick asked, once again acting as if nothing had happened.

"You killed my sister!" Luke shouted out, immediately gaining all the attention from everyone in that hallway.

Nick seemed to realize that this was gaining a lot of attention. "Come." He motioned us to follow him and his group. Strangely enough, he didn't deny the accusation...

We arrived at the gym, Nick's group stayed outside, while we three were all in the gym.

"So," Nick crossed his arms while he stood there. "What's up with that wild accusation of yours?"

Luke once again wanted to attack Nick, but I held him in place. "Luke, easy!" I made him look at me. "We're not getting anywhere if you're acting like this."

He looked from me to Nick, but he seemed to have calmed down a bit. "You killed my sister."

Nick chuckled. "She killed herself."

I shook my head. "You know you pushed her to do that."

"I didn't hold the rope up for her."

Luke wanted to attack Nick again then, but once again I held him. "You basically did!"

"How?" Nick didn't seem impressed at all. I wonder if he had a conscience...

"We know you raped her!" Luke shouted, tears streaming down his face. "How could you have done that? She was my sister! You don't touch your friend's sister!"

"You don't rape anyone, period." I then looked at Nick. "How could you harass Blair like that? Just because she didn't want to date you? That's so pathetic."

"She was pathetic, not me."

Luke once again went for the kill, but I held him. "Did you rape her?" I had to know, I needed to know how much Blair suffered. "Did you?"

He crossed his arms tighter, suggesting he wasn't feeling that comfortable or he was getting angry. "I wouldn't use the word rape."

He raped her... My jaw dropped, shocked and devastated by this horrible news. "You did that to her..."

Nick just stood there, not even denying the accusation anymore.

I heard Luke sniffle behind me. "Why?" He asked between sobs. "She's my sister!"

"Because she was hot."

Both Luke and I gasped. "If someone says no, you stop, Nick."

"She was so confused, but I helped her out."

"You ruined her!" Luke cried out. "Because of you, she's gone!"

Nick rolled his eyes before leaving the gym, leaving Luke and I broken by the news. Luke and I cried in each other's arms, we missed so many things and poor Blair went through all of it alone.

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