Part 39 : the end or the beginning ?

Start from the beginning

Ever since that day, i've been questioning my way of living. At first, i think of him as a burden that my mother forced upon me. But as i looked at him, i see a boy that needs help, a boy that needs love. After a while, i had become used to taking care of him. He was now under my direct command. Being with him changed me. Now, instead of fighting only for myself, i fight for others. He showed me that there's actually a part of me that cares, and I'm grateful for that. After being with him for quite a long time, i felt that i want him to be by my side forever. Without me realizing, i'd grown to love him not just as a brother, but something more....

That is until...... one day........

(Time skip to a month before the siege of Kazak began)

(You guys still remember Kazak right ?)

I stood inside an airship with at least a hundred men. Our destination, the home of the devil itself, or at least that's what we thought. The continent north of Vacuo, such a dangerous place. The continent is still nameless after all this time, the people who named it all died there. And that's why we call it 'the continent' Every effort to build civilization there has failed miserably. Many lives were lost because of that. The grimm activity there weren't like we've ever seen before. And because of that, many believed that the grimm queen herself resides there. And that's why we're here. To make sure.

Pilot : "there it is, the continent" i heard the pilot said.

Soldier : "damn, and we're going there ? What the hell are the higher ups thinking ? What do you think about this place Commander ?" He said the last part to me.

Me : "what i think ? Well, they should've picked a better name" i said as they both laughed.

Pilot : "i know right ? That's not that scary"

Soldier : "yeah, why not something more horrifying ?"

Me : "trust me, if the name doesn't terrify you, then the place will definitely will. Keep your eyes open. You never know what you'll see there" i said as they gulped. Man, these guys are scaredy cats.

Pilot : "yes ma'am" he said as i looked at the windshield. We're getting closer and closer.

(Time skip an hour)

After we reached the continent, we landed where we lost contact with one of our scout ships. Usually, when we send scouting ships to the continent, nothing ever happens to them. They would never even encounter a single grimm. The grimm activity here was massive but we never saw them through the scouting ships. That is one of the reasons why we were sent here, to investigate why. And so, we landed and we found the scouting ship. It was an unmanned aircraft we bought from Altas. The damage on it couldn't possibly be caused by grimms. It was a clean cut, like it was caused by blades.

Me : "what do you guys think ? They're not caused by grimms right ?" I asked to the investigator team i was sent with.

Investigator 1 : "you're right Commander, they're not"

Investigator 2 : "then who could've done this ? There can't be humans here right ?"

Investigator 1 : "unless, it was her"

Me : "if that's the case, then we need to get out of here fast and report. We can't use any communication devices from here"

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