Part 39 : the end or the beginning ?

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(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name
" " : dialogues

(Sycthia's POV)

My name is Sycthia, Daughter of the supreme General of the Vacuo Royal Army. Ever since i was a child, i would always train myself so that i could at least be worthy to be the daughter of such a great person. Seeing nobles and politicians backstabbing each other had made me loose trust in people. And so, i only trust myself and one other person, my mother. I built my military career all by myself and i rose through the ranks without help. I see war as a game that needs to be played in order to survive, that i need to do anything to make sure that i, and only i win. But one day, all that suddenly changed. It was all because of one moment.....

(Flashback a few years)

That day, i was ordered to return to the main headquarters after a major victory in the frontlines. My mother ordered it directly this time. And so, i hurried back.

As soon as i arrived at the gates, it suddenly opened to reveal an entire army of Elite Guards saluting me. I walked through the lines of soldiers into the main building. As i walked into my mother's personal quarters, i see her there, just sitting down looking like she was in deep thought.

Me : "General ?" I said to get her attention. She then looked at me with a smile.

Mother : "come on dear, there's nobody here" she said as i sighed before walking in.

Me : "hi mother, how have you been ?"

Mother : "i'm fine, but what about you ? I've heard about your victory. I have to say, i'm impressed" she said as i could barely keep myself from being too happy. Those words were exactly what i love to hear. Especially coming from her.

Me : "i'm not hurt mother. But anyways, why did you suddenly called me back here ?"

Mother : "i have a few matters to discuss with you but for now, i want you to meet someone. And please try to smile when you meet him"

Me : "who is it ?" You made it sound like he's very important to you " she then just smiled.

Mother : "yes he is, and he'll be important to you too" she said as i looked at her confused. Then suddenly, the door opened.

Mother : "ah, there he is" as she said that, an Elite Guard soldier came in. He then saluted.

Elite Guard : Ma'am, do you need me for anything ?" He said as i stood up to return his salute.

Mother : "(O/N), thank you for coming. I want you to meet commander Sychtia, my daughter" as she said that, i could feel her legs kicking mine before signaling me to smile. And so, i smiled at him.

Me : "uhh... who's this ?"

Mother : "(O/N), would you please take off your mask ?" She said as the Elite Guard that appears to be called (O/N).

(O/N) : "yes ma'am" he then opened his mask to reveal quite a handsome and yet blank face. That is the face of all the Elite Guards, blank.

Mother : "(O/N), would you please introduce yourself to my daughter ?"

(O/N) : "yes ma'am, i am Major (O/N) of the Elite Guard Corps. It's an honor to meet you Commander"

Me : "likewise, (O/N)" after that, my mother then walked behind (O/N) and grabbed his shoulders.

Mother : "from now on, (O/N) will be your brother" that was the day my life started to change....

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt