Part 35 : the iron city

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(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

The night was quiet. No, all of us were quiet. The time has come. The plan must work if we were to get those dusts without unnecessary casualties. That's the most important part of all this. Currently, i am flying inside the airship heading towards the forest near Tetsutoshi.

Me : "get ready! We'll be there in ten minutes!" I said to the raiders in the back while Neo just saluted me. Vernal then came walking towards me.

Vernal : "this plan of yours, it better work. We're risking everything when you suddenly changed the plan"

Me : "don't worry, it'll work. Trust me"

Vernal : "why did you change the plans anyways ? The first one was already good"

Me : "to avoid casualties"

Vernal : "that's an insult, our men are skilled warriors. They won't die in a place like this" she stated proudly.

Me : "i'm not talking about your tribe" she then looked at me confused.

Vernal : "wait, do you mean the civilians?! You're jeopardizing our entire plan only to save civilians?! Are you dumb or something?!"

Me : "maybe i am" i said as she just looked at me confused.

Vernal : "I don't understand you, i just don't"

Me : "nobody does" i said as she rolled her eyes before walking to the back. I then looked at Neo beside me. She then pulled out her scroll.

Neo : "hey (Y/N), what should i do when we get there ?"

Me : "since you're body is type is quite petite, you'll be going in first since the motion censors will less likely to notice your movements" i said as she just looked at me while pouting. Why is she looking at me like that ? Was it something i said ? She then angrily wrote sometimes on her scroll.

Neo : "is that your way of telling me that i'm small ? Well then i'm sorry for not having a mature body" she kept pouting as i read it.

Me : "it would seem that there's a misunderstanding here"

Neo : "really ?" She then crossed her arms.

Me : "so what if you have a petite body ? I don't see any problems regarding your body type"

Neo : "is that really what you think ?"

Me : "affirmative" after i said that, she stopped pouting. Hmm.... unfortunately, I can't seem to understand women even after all this time.

Me : "anyways, after you snuck in through the gates, i need you to deactivate the motion censors. To do that, you need to find the control room. Use your semblance to disguise yourself"

Neo : "yes sir" she held up her scroll while saluting"

Me : "after that, contact me with your scroll and i will lead the attack unit to take out the guards and you know the rest right ?"

Neo : "of course"

Me : "okay then, get ready. We're already here" i said as i looked outside the window. We were already floating on top of the forest. I've turned all the lights off to avoid being detected. I then landed the airship and waited for Raven.

(Time skip 10 minutes)

It was two hours left before midnight. We were still waiting behind the tree line for Raven's signal. I ordered all of our forces to avoid using scrolls to communicate to avoid being detected by Tetsutoshi radars. After a while, i saw something moving in the distance. It was a bird, a raven. and it's coming our way. I thought nothing of it and turned around but suddenly....

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang