Part 34 : change of plans

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(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name
" " : dialogues

Before we start, i just want to say that in this story, Neo is younger than in the actual series. I don't know, maybe like in her 20s. Let's just say 21 - 24 years old.

((Y/N)'s POV)

I opened my eyes to see that i was back in the beaches. I could see the beautiful endless blue of the ocean, the glistering white sands beneath my feet, the fresh air that was blessed onto me,
and the killing intent coming from behind me.

Marie : "(Y/N), would you kindly explain to us why you're sleeping with the enemy ?" I turned around to see Marie looking at me with an innocent smile. And yet, her eyes were literally throwing daggers at me.

Me : "i uhhh.... she was... uhhh...." I couldn't say anything. One wrong word and i could die. Then suddenly, i felt a hand creeping through my neck from behind.

Pyrrha : "you two seems to be close.... too close when you were talking before you fell asleep" i heard her chilling voice echoing through my eardrums.

Me : "close ? Well... yes we were. She was sitting next to me" i said innocently as their glare didn't seem to disappear.

Marie : "(Y/N), why are you still with her ? She's an enemy"

Me : "I can't just leave her like that. She was suffering"

Marie : "suffering ? How many people do you think suffered because of her ? She deserves to be locked up"

Me : "no, she can still be saved. She deserves a second chance, the same way i did" as i said that, their glares died down. Instead, their eyes showed only pity.

Pyrrha : "but still.... can we trust her ?"

Me : "we can, i'll make sure of that"

Marie : "ugh, fine. But if she betrays us, don't say I didn't warn you"

Me : "understood" i said as they both smile.

Marie : "why do you want to help her so bad anyways ?"

Me : "I don't know. Maybe, it's because..... when i see her, i see myself. The way i used to be. Don't forget, i have blood on my hands too. Even more than her. If you believe that i can change, then she can well do so too"

Pyrrha : "you're a good person, you know that right ?"

Me : "huh ?" Her words came out of nowhere. But i am doing the right thing, i think. Is that enough to make me a good person ? Even after all i've done in the past ?

Marie : "you are a good person (Y/N), why are you still denying that ?"

Me : "No i'm not" i said as they both looked at me shocked.

Marie : "what do you mean no ?"

Pyrrha : "(Y/N), just look at what you've done so far. You've done so much good to many"

Me : "still, that doesn't erase all my past wrongs"

Marie : "forget about the past. You said it yourself, this is your second chance"

Pyrrha : "yes, look at what you're doing now ? You're still fighting for everyone"

Me : "what i'm doing now ? I'm going to raid a city full of innocent civilians just to get dusts. Does that sound like a something that a good person would do ? Even though i have a reason for it, it still doesn't justify what i'm doing" they just stood there in silence after what i said.

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon