Part 11 : first mission

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood inside the amphitheater along with my teammates after hearing Ozpin's speech.

Me : 'he's good i bet he could boost the morale of any army by the way he delivered that speech' i thought as saw my teammates looking at the mission selection screen.

Ruby : "here we go, quadrant 5 needs grimm cleared out"

Blake : "well, it's in the southeast"

Yang : "sounds perfect" she said before Ruby picked the mission but when she typed in team name, the screen said that the mission was unavailable for first year students.

Weiss : "wonderful!"

Blake : "any other ideas"

Ruby : "we mail ourselves there" she said before Ozpin suddenly walked towards us.

Ozpin : "well that's one option" he said as i saw Glynda waving at me signaling me to come to her. I then left my teammates talking to Ozpin.

Me : "is there something you need aunt Glynda ?"

Glynda : "(Y/N), Ozpin told me that he's going to let you and your team to accept a high level mission that aren't supposed to be available for first year students"

Me : "really ? Well that simplifies things"

Glynda : "be careful out there. I know you're not looking for grimms"

Me : "i will aunt Glynda" i said before walking away towards my teammates.

Ozpin : "miss Marie, you will not be accompanying them in this mission"

Marie : "what?! Why?!"

Ozpin : "there's someone i want you to meet and that's why you're staying here in Beacon"

Marie : "fine! If anything happens to (Y/N), i'm blaming you!" She said in a threatening tone while pointing her finger at Ozpin.

Me : "don't worry about me Marie"

Ozpin : "i trust you (Y/N) and remember, you will be accompanied by a huntsman for the mission. Stay close to him and do exactly what he says. (Y/N) was a soldier too, he has experience in this kind of thing and that's why you should listen to him too"

RWBY : "yes Professor"

Ozpin : "(Y/N), finish the mission quickly and get back here safely okay ?"

Me : "it will be done sir" i said as i accidentally saluted him due to the habits back in the army. My teammates just chuckled at what i did.

Ozpin : "good luck and (Y/N) ? Can i speak to you for a moment ?"

Me : "sure Professor" i said before me and Ozpin walked away from the others. Once we're  far enough, Ozpin finally spoke.

Ozpin : "(Y/N), I didn't want you going anywhere near the white fang but i decided to trust you and your abilities but remember, you're up against a strong and smart enemy" as he said that, i remembered what happened last night.

(Flashback to the dance)

((Y/N)'s POV)

After we all danced i felt tired and i decided to sit and rest for a while until Ozpin and Glynda came and sat next to me.

Ozpin : "are you enjoying the party (Y/N)?" He said while sipping something from his mug.

Me : "yes Professor, i've never experienced anything like this before"

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