Part 7 : strange days

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood here confused. The girl in front of me just told me that she's the summer maiden and that she chose me to be her Guard and Champion. What is all this ?

Marie : "you really don't remember me do you ?" The girl said as she kept looking at me with a sad expression.

Me : "have we met before ?" I asked her before she pulled something out and showed it to me. It was a mask used to conceal the faces of experimental subjects in the research facilities like in the fortress Kazak.

Marie : "you're the only one who talked to me that day" she said as she smiled again. After a while, it hit me. I knew that voice felt familiar. The first time i heard her voice wasn't from the dream but it was.......

(Flashback a few days before you met Ozpin and Glynda)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was walking around the walls of the fortress when the colonel asked me to bring a few men to check on some suspicious movements outside the Fortress. Apparently, the lookout tower saw a few rebel soldiers approaching the fortress. I gazed at the view in front of me. A massive rebel camp containing tens of thousands of enemy troops. Ever since the siege began, thousands of enemy reinforcements have been coming to aid the attackers. They attack once every few days to weaken our defenses before attacking us at full strength. Even though we've repelled every attack, their numbers just kept increasing while ours kept decreasing. Every soldier here knows it, death is near and we welcomes it.

I brought a few soldier from the Garrison and went out to find and report the threat. Lately there have been soldiers trying to bomb the walls to weaken it. They would send a few men to avoid detection and plant some bombs on the wall and retreat back to safety. I'm here to stop that.

We went out and we searched through the desert sands for any rebels. When we didn't found any, we reported back and we started to head back into the fortress. And that's when i saw her. A girl wearing a hospital attire with a mask on her head. She was young, barely 16 years old. Her body was short and i could see pink hair behind the mask.

Vacuo soldier 1 : "major, there's a girl there"

Me : "i see her" i said as i approached her.

Vacuo soldier 2 : "you see what she's wearing ? She must be an experiment subject"

Me : "she's just a girl" i said as i walked towards her she looked like she was terrified. I then opened my mask revealing my face to her.

Me : "who are you ? What are you doing here ?"  I said to her as she approached me.

??? : "aren't you afraid of me ?" She said with a weak voice.

Vacuo soldier 3 : "she must be one of the monsters from the lab!" She looked down when she heard that.

Me : "she's just a girl!"

??? : "everyone here is afraid of me. You should too"

Me : "why would i be afraid of a little girl like you" i said before she ran towards me and hold my body tightly.

??? : "finally, someone......" her voice was so quiet that I couldn't hear what she was saying.

Me : "what are you doing ?" I asked before she lets go of me.

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