Part 12 : a familiar sight

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(Y/N) : your name
" " : dialogues
' ' : thoughts

((Y/N)'s POV)

The skies were black, the ground red as i gaze into the place i once called home. The stench of gunpowder and blood filled the air as i walked through the city ruined by years of conflict. It was silent, nothing and no one  to be seen until....


The building in front of me suddenly exploded as i closed my eyes when the smoke reached me.

Me : 'an airstrike ?' I thought while i kept closing my eyes. Then suddenly, i heard something that was too familiar to my ears.

I then opened my eyes to see that the building in front of me was destroyed. I look to the right to see that i'm not alone anymore as the city was swarmed with soldiers fighting.

Me : 'just as i remembered it' i thought as i saw hundreds and thousands of men dying in front of me. The airships coming back and forth for bombing runs and Atlesian Paladins cutting through the defenses before The Elite Guard Corps came and destroyed them by charging at it while mounting Goliaths. They kept charging forward trampling and killing hundreds of Atlas soldiers and rebel fighters.

Me : 'why am i here ?' I thought as i saw the carnage happening all around me. This was when the war at it's peak. The Atlesian Government were still aiding the rebels openly by invading Vacuo. I walked through the battlefield aimlessly until a voice called out to me.

??? : "Major! Where's the Lieutenant Colonel ?" I turned towards the source to see a Captain.

Me : "i don't know" I don't know what to answer so i just said that.

Captain : "well then, the Battalion is under your command sir!" High ranking Elite Guard officers would be assigned to a Battalion of regular soldiers to assist them in battle and if needed, even lead them.

Me : "affirmative" there's no other choice, a Major is just under the Lieutenant and that's why i have to take charge. If I don't, the Battalion might lose more men. What's left of it that is. Without thinking, instinct just took over me.

Me : "captain, brief me on the situation"

Captain : "the enemy have us pinned sir, they have Paladins advancing on our left flank and we have multiple enemy MG nests in the front guarding the fort 500 meters away sir"

Me : "what about the right flank ?"

Captain : "they have huntsman contractors there sir"

Me : "are there any escape routes ? We have to break through this encirclement! What about our rear ?"

Captain : "i'm afraid it's already swarmed with hostiles sir"

Me : "we only have one option then, we advance forward and take the fort"

Captain : "take the fort sir ? But it's heavily defended, can we even do that ?"

Me : "we can. We only need to secure it fast enough so that we could you use it against them until reinforcements arrive"

Captain : "yes sir! I will transmit your orders sir"

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora