Part 20 : hard as ice

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(Y/N) : "your name"
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

Everything was dark......... all i heard were the sounds of a lashing whip. I felt pain. I heard someone's voice. It was familiar. As i opened my eyes, i see her...... she looked sad. Why ? I then felt pain on my back. I looked at my arm. I see a few drop of blood. I then felt the same pain again. Then I realized, this was my punishment. Months before i met Ozpin and aunt Glynda, my battalion was assigned to eliminate experiment escapees from one of the facilities in Vacuo. But they were all children. They were experimented on and were given powers but still, they're children and the ancient law of warfare in Vacuo forbids the killing of children. That and something else prevented me to do my duty. To kill them.....

??? : "why did you disobey my orders ?!" The voice behind me said. I looked behind me to see the Colonel.

Me : "i did not do anything wrong sir" i said weakly due to the pain. Then the pain came again as the whip came in contact with my skin.

Colonel : "you disobeyed my order! Do you acknowledge your mistake!" He said as i felt more pain after another lashing.

Me : "the rules of war forbids the killing of children" i said before another lashing came. I looked to the front to see 'her' watching in the distance. I could only see sadness in her eyes.

Colonel : "in war you obey your superiors! The rules said so! I ordered you to kill that child because she was a threat! What if that child killed your comrades ?! Will you take the responsibility ?! Their blood will be on your hands!!!" He said as i stayed silent. He was not wrong. Things might played out differently back then.

Me : "still, she's just a child" i said weakly.

Colonel : "she was a threat! You were ordered to kill the threat!" He said as he walked in front of me.

Me : "I can't" i said as i saw disappointment on his face before i felt a fist hitting my head as everything went dark.

I opened my eyes to see that i was in the base medical facility. I looked beside me to see her.

Mother : "how are you feeling (O/N)?"She asked me with a saddened expression.

Me : "i'm fine ma'am" i said as she hold my hand.

Mother : "why didn't you kill that child (O/N)?" She suddenly asked.

Me : "I don't know, i-i just can't" i said as she suddenly embraced me. She then whispered something in my ears.

Mother : "i'm proud of you" i heard her voice before everything went bright.....



I opened my eyes to see Weiss shaking me.

Me : "good morning Weiss" i said as she just smiled at me.

Weiss : "wake up you dolt, i have planned everything for today" she said happily as i got up and sat on the bed. I looked at her to see that she was already prepared for the day.

Me : "you look ready Weiss" i said as her cheeks went red. Honestly, why do people keep doing that when i talk to them ?

Weiss : "w-well you see.... i-i've been looking forward for this" she said nervously. She then hid her red face behind her hair. I then patted her hair.

Me : "thank you Weiss" i said as she just smiled at me.

Me : "anyways, i should get ready. We shouldn't waste time here" i said as i walked over to the bathroom. I took a short but enjoyable bath and put on my suit. I then walked out of the bathroom to see Weiss doing something with her hair.

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