Part 17 : an enemy or not ? Pt.4

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(Y/N) : your name
(O/N) : other name (someone gave you a name before Ozpin but it's not your original name either)
(P/N) : pet name
" " : dialogues

((Y/N)'s POV)

I stood inside a familiar room. It was quite large and it has many beds in it. I then realized something. I was at my old Barracks but it nobody was here, I'm alone. Why am i here ? That question kept popping out inside my head as started to walk around. I walked towards the door and turned the handle. When i looked outside it was bright for a few seconds until i could see the old Elite Guard Corps headquarters. It was just as i remembered it. There were Elite Guard soldiers everywhere, training or on patrol and whatnot. I decided walked around feeling nostalgic until i heard a familiar voice.

??? : "major, come to the officer's quarters, the General wants to see you!" As i heard her voice I immediately realized that it was none other than commander Sycthia herself.

Me : "yes commander" i replied as i saluted her before i walked towards the officer's quarters. It was at the center of the base and was different than the other buildings. I then approached the door and turned the handle. When i came in, I immediately saw her.....

 When i came in, I immediately saw her

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Me : "what can i do for you Ma'am ?" I said to her as i saluted her.

General : "do you remember what i said ? I want you to call me mother"

Me : "i'm very sorry ma- i mean mother" i said as she just smiled. I still don't understand why she wanted me to call her mother. I'm not even her son.

Mother : "how are you feeling (O/N)?" She said looking worried.

Me : "my conditions are normal ma'am" i said as she looked at me quite saddened.

Mother : "you were injured in the previous battle are you not ?" She said as i touched my legs. I could still feel the pain but i'm used to it. In the previous battle, i was shot in the leg.

Me : "i'm fine mother. fortunately, the bullet missed the bone so i could recover quite fast and i'll be able to go back to the frontlines in a few days" i said as she looked sad.

Mother : "how did you get shot anyway ? I thought you were better than that ?" She said while grinning.

Me : "we were out of ammunition and were ordered to charge forward with melee weapons. I was shot while charging forward but fortunately it was only to the leg"

Mother : "what! You were ordered to charge ?! That's the same as suicide!"

Me : "it's fine mother, you don't have to worry about a soldier like me. I was trained to fight or to die if necessary" i said as she slapped me. I was confused but she suddenly embraced me.

The last guard : RWBY x male reader Vol.1Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant