New Friends

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Bailee's POV

"Hi I'm Bart."

"Hi I'm Bailee!" I said with a smile

"Oh I know your videos are amazing and very funny that's why I invited you to the tour."

Oh so it's the same person! HAHA BLONDE MOMENT

"Oh yeah we talked on the phone."

"That is correct I'm sorry the boys were to lazy to get out of bed to meet you. Sometime I question how they make all those videos they are SO LAZY!" Bart said with a smile

"It's ok I don't blame them I wouldn't get up either."

"So let's get to the car!"

I decided I would make a vine

"HEY Y'ALL! I just landed in Cali and I so excited I could just scream!

And then I screamed making Bart abruptly stop the car.

"What the heck Bailee!"

"Sowwy Bart I was making a vine!"


It was then I came up with an AWESOME idea!

"Bart could you not tell them my name I have an great idea for a YouTube video!"

"And that idea would be?"

"I could make a video every week telling the fans how close they get to figuring out my name and if by the end they don't get it I'll tell them in the last video."

"Sounds like a plan!"


We are finally at the hotel Bart checked me in and told me I would be rooming with Hayes. COOL!

"I'll text the boys to see where their at."

About five minutes later Bart got a text.

"They are all in your room."

"Well how convenient!" I say while laughing

When we got to the door I knocked and the door was opened by the one and only..... Taylor Caniff.

"Hey Bart! Hey girl I don't know the name of!"

Little did he know I wasn't going to tell him.

"Hello Taylor!"

Me and Bart walked into the room

"Ok boys this is Hayes' room mate she is 14 and has been doing vines and YouTube videos for a year now. Now if you need to know anything else just ask her about it."

"Wait Bart aren't you forgetting something like what's her name?"Nash asked

Bart just laughed and left

"So what is your name?" Shawn asked me

"I'm not telling."

"So your not going to tell us!?" Cam yelled

"That's what I just said yes."

"This bish!" Carter said and I laughed

"So what are we supposed to call you?" Matt asked.

"I don't care as long as Taylor and Carter over here doesn't pick it!" everyone laughed at that except for Taylor and Carter of course.

"Let's call her bae." Hayes says

"Ooooo Hayes has a crush!"

"No! What else are we supposed to call her does any one else have any good ideas?!"

"Then bae it is!" I yelled

Little did they know they were calling me my nickname! ;p

"So bae where you from?" Jack g asked

"I'm from Missouri."

"Oooo a Midwest girl!" Nash screamed

"So do you do anything other than vine?" Carter asked

"Yeah I dance and cheer."

"So that means your flexible?" jack j said with a smirk

"You boys are disgusting!" I screamed while laughing

"Well apparently so are you cause you got what Jack said!" Cam yelled back

"You got a point there Dallas."

"Wait how do you know all of us?" Nash asked

"Just because you don't know who I am doesn't mean I don't know who you are. All the girls at my school back home would go on and on about the Magcon boys and how hot you guys are or how funny you guys are, and I have to say they weren't wrong about the whole......funny thing!" I said making all of them giving me the 'are you serious' face.

"Are you kidding look at these abs!"

Stupid move little Grier

"You guys seriously haven't seen any of my vines have you?"

They all said nope

"Hey Hayes are those abs real?"

"Yeah why?"

"Are you positive those are the real deal?"

I said while balling my hand up in a fist

"Yes but why do you wanna...oh!"

I punched him in the stomach and he fell to the floor

"I think you should work a little harder on those so maybe next time you won't be on the floor!"

All the boys where laughing I looked at the clock and it said 1 o'clock

"Ok boys out of the room this girl needs her rest!" And to my surprise they all got up and left. Probably because they just saw me punch Hayes in the stomach! :)

"Hayes are you ok?" I asked

"Yep now go to sleep!"

"Kk night Hayes!"


And at that I went to bed dreaming about tomorrow

The Nameless Magcon GirlWhere stories live. Discover now