He's What!?

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Sam's POV

"Hey Tyde where's Shawn?"

"Um he should be in Hayes' room." He answered with a smile.

"Ugh, ok thanks." I said rolling my eyes.


I walked in the direction of Hayes' room and was about to knock on the door when  I heard voices.

"So let me get this straight, you love Bae and you know that Tyde is a jerkwad but your not going to tell her?"

Wait. What? Hayes loves Bae? Tyde's a jerk?

This can't be true. Can it?


"Now if you'll excuse me I have to go help the jerkwad move into my room." One of the voices, I think it's Aaron, said while opening the door.

I ran behind the corner so Aaron didn't see me.

I have to tell Bae!

Bae's POV

"I DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU BUT IM FEELING 22!!" Loxie and I sang at the top of our lungs.

"Why aren't we famous singers already?" Loxie asked me laughing a little while turning down the music.

"I don't know but, the world is missing out." I said laughing too.

Before we could say anything else we heard frantic knocking on our door.

Loxie and me looked at each other then at the door.

I got up and opened the door to see an out of breathe Sam.

"HAYES. TYDE. JERK. LOVE. TELL YOU!" Same said between breaths while coming in the room.

"Ok Sammy can you repeat that in English?" Loxie asked.

"I just came from Hayes' room and-"

"Ugh, why were you there?" I interrupted her.

Sam glared at me,"If you let me finish I would have told you."

"Okay sorry." I said putting up my hands in surrender.

"Anyways I was at Hayes' room because I needed Shawn and before I could knock I heard Aaron say something about Tyde being a jerk and.." Sam said not finishing her sentence.

"And what Sammy?" Loxie said standing up.

"And that he loved Bae." She said both her and Loxie looking at me.


Hayes loves me.

I sat down on the bed trying to wrap my head around things.

"What makes Tyde a jerk?" I asked Sam.

"I don't know they didn't say but if Shawn and Aaron both think someone is a jerk they're most likely a jerk." Sam said sitting on the right side of me.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Oh peaches, are you alright?" Loxie said sitting on the other side of me rubbing my back.

I nod my head, "I'm fine just shocked."

"Well can we do something for you?" Sam asked.

"Yeah, you can help me look hot for tomorrow." I said smirking at Loxie and Sam.

"Yes! Let's kick some butt!!" Sam said jumping up from her sitting position.

Look out boys I'm coming for ya.


Well then that was fun and I know it's kind of short but I thought that was a good place to stop.

Okay guys tell me what you think!!

What's Bae gonna do?

Does she love Hayes back?

Am I losing my mind? (Possibly)

Don't forget to Vote and COMMENT because ur guys' comments are literally life and I die laughing at most of them.



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