Song Writing & Heart Throbs

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This chapter is dedicated to Usharted42 and Hayesgrier_dance thanks for telling me to update!

Bae's POV

"GET UP WE ARE GOING TO MISS THE BUS!!" Loxie screamed in my face.

This my friends is how I was awoken on a Saturday at 4:00 in the morning.

So like any other person I hit her in the face with a pillow knocking her head first off the bed.

"Ow!" Loxie said rubbing her head.

"I tried to tell you don't wake her up like that but noooo you wouldn't listen to me and now you have a injured cranium!!" Sam ranted at Loxie.

"Eww cranium someones using their vocab words this week!" I said laughing earning me a pillow to the face.


"Now you know how it feels!" Loxie said pouting.

"Oh stop pouting." Sam said rolling her eyes.

Loxie scoffed grabbed a pillow and threw it at Sam's face.

"Hey!" Sam said lifting up another pillow to throw.

"Hey! Stop throwing pillows we have 10 minutes to get ready and get on the bus!" I said stopping the madness before it even began.

To: Little Bae

From:Mr. Mendes


To: Mr. Mendes

From: Little Bae

Shut up we're coming!!!

After that text message from Shawn I ran to my suitcase grabbed some old jean shorts and an old dance shirt that says 'Werk!' on it and put it on my body a shower will have to wait!

Then I took my brush and brushed thru my hair about five times. After doing so I unzipped the top flap on my suitcase and grabbed the mouth wash, brushing my teeth will have to wait too, gargled it then spit it into a trash can.

After looking at myself in the mirror I grabbed my trusty black toms, my suit cases and I ran out the door Sam and Loxie trailing right behind me.

When we made it to the bus all the boys were already on and Bart was standing there with his arms crossed and a very not so nice look on his face.

"Bart we are super sorry we are late it's just that Bae wouldn't wake up and then we got into a pillow fight and....yeah." Sam explained

"I would yell at you all but as you said we are late and we don't have time. Put your stuff in the bus an let's go." Bart said before getting on the bus.

We all hurriedly put our stuff on the bus and then we ran to get on it.

Our bus is pretty cool if you ask me.

It's an old school bus that was renovated. In the front of the bus it's mostly all just wood and these really comfy cushions but, there is a small kitchen, a tv, and bathroom.

The coolest part about our bus is the loft. It's this hole in the ceiling that you climb through and there's like a dome full of  cushions and blankets and there's a window on the top of the dome so at night you can look at the stars and if you privacy you can close the latch. I love it up there.

When I got on I sat next to Nash, Loxie sat next to Aaron, and Sam obviously sat next to Taylor or on Taylor's lap whichever works.

"Um am I mistaken or did I hear that you girls had a pillow fight?" Jack J said  making his eyebrows move up and down while smirking.

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