Chapter I |You Will Never Be a Hero|

Start from the beginning

He staggered around the empty streets, praying for no villain to show up, and in luck for him, none did.

Izuku was getting tired of walking and in the brief lighting he saw a familiar street name. It was the street on which lived his friend Uraraka. He had come over a few times back when they had just met.

The young boy realized that his friend's house was very far away from his own and he wasn't about to go looking for a nearby bus stop, not to mention that buses didn't run this late.

As much as Izuku didn't want to trouble his friend he had no other choice. After all, he didn't want to freeze to death in the cold spring night.

As the green haired boy was approaching Uraraka's house, he noticed that a light was coming from her window, which had to mean that she was awake.

Izuku picked up a few rocks and attempted to throw them at the window to get Uraraka's attention.

Eventually, a rock hit the glass pain and his friend looked out the window. After recognizing him, she opened it and asked: "Deku? Why are you here so late? Did something bad happen?"

"It's a long story. Mind if I stay the night? I left my stuff at school and I've been wondering around the city for quite a while and..."

"Wait a minute, come inside! I'm sure my parents won't mind. I'll be down in a sec."

Izuku sighed in relief. He almost thought that such an unexpected visit would be too sketchy for Uraraka to believe him. But then again, they were friends so it wasn't a big surprise.

The girl opened the door and let Izuku inside. He was awkwardly standing in the doorway while she locked the door and waited for her to start a conversation.

"Look, it's late and I don't think my parents will tolerate us talking too much for long so how about I make some tea, put up a bed on the couch for you and we discuss this tomorrow."

"Y-yeah. Sure." Izuku said, unsure if he should be apologizing Uraraka for this last minute favor. She just stayed quiet for a while and looked at Izuku with a very concerned look.

She shivered and went to the kitchen to get the hot water started. In the mean time, Izuku had taken off his jacket and was sitting in the girl's living room with his head down.

Uraraka was still very worried about her friend. While the water was still boiling, she went into the living room and sat down next to her classmate.

"Isn't it cold outside? You could've cought a cold. Then you would have to stay home and miss a lot of lessons back at the U.A."

"It's fine. I'm just sorry to barge in so suddenly."

"I get it. It must've been pretty serious if you came to me of all people."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You must be going through a lot. I'm not feeling quite alright either. Everyone's freaking out. Now that All Might... is gone... Oh, Deku, I miss him so much! And you two were very close! I can't imagine how horrible you must feel right now!"

She hugged her friend very tightly and pushed her face onto his shoulder to hide her tears. You could feel how devastated and broken she was.

Izuku didn't know how to respond to it. He wanted to comfort his friend but didn't know how. To be honest, how would he of all people know what to do in such a situation.

He was about to hug Uraraka back but a beeping sound from the kitchen stopped him from that as the girl stood up.

"The tea is ready. Come on. Let's go." she slowly got up, wiped off her tears and took Izuku's hand.

After the young boy was warmed up, Uraraka's mom helped set up the couch for Izuku, since Uraraka would only make it harder with her quirk.

"Goodnight, Izuku!" Uraraka said as she walked up the stairs to get to her own room.

"Goodnight!" said Izuku and covered himself with a blanket.

"Goodnight to you too, All Might!" he whispered while looking at the ceiling.

"I hope you're in a better place now."

Izuku closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Y'know there's no better feeling than when you overcome your procrastination and actually do something.

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Just warning that it's not going to be like this for the whole fic! The atmosphere will drop. Fast.

Also, just so no Uradeku shipper is confused, they are JUST FRIENDS!
Neither of them have a crush on each other!
Just a boy and a girl friendship!
There's a reason why it says Katsudeku in the description.

There probably won't be a tight update schedule, but I'll try to update weekly. If writers block restrains me or I'm forced to work during summer break in some place with probably no internet, there may not be any updates for a long ass time.

Art credit: Omu☆" on Pixiv (Idk, correct me if I'm wrong)

Leave your opinions/thoughts/suggestions in the comments!


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