Thirty Three: Mortal Men

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"I know. But I worry for you so much."

Vali's eyes mets his mothers sadly. He placed a hand to her shoulder. "I know, mother. But trust me when I say I am okay. I am doing well in this realm, I feel like I have a purpose fighting with them. Against the enemy. Even the unknown ones. I have tracked the Tesseract to its stronghold in a church in Norway. In a little village. But they had already gotten there and taken it. That is why I joined their army so that I can better my information and track them down. I am so close, mother!"

"That is why I am here to help you, son."

Vali turned away quickly licking his lips in annoyance. Then he turned back. "I don't need your help. I can do this."

Sigyn stepped to the side of him taking his shoulder and turning his body back to her. "Listen to me, son of mine. You are a prince. You are my son. It is okay to have help from those around you." she firmly told him with a finger. "This healing you are going through requires these steps, Vali. You have been alone for far too long."

He nodded, his head falling forward with a sigh. "The enemy, mother, is an unknown one these mortals fight against. They call themselves Hydra. The weapons division of the Nazi's. Their symbol is a red hydra with a skull. They are more advanced than the common threat. More dangerous, more ambitious and will stop at nothing to gain power. Even if that power is alien."

"The Tesseract has fallen into the wrong hands, my son." she firmly reinstated. "We must get it back before they destroy themselves and this realm. Leave this fight to them we must handle this situation with care."

Vali looked at the ship and back to his mother. "I cannot just leave them, mother. My comrades need me. I cannot let them fight this alone."

"let me help you." she implied, softly. "Finding the Tesseract will determine the future of this realm and its survival. Once we have the Tesseract safely on Asgard, you may return to help fight this war."

The whistle blows again and the regiment number is called. "107th battalion! Boarding now, finale call!"

Sergeant James Bucky Barnes stands by the boarding ramp greeting each member of his regiment onto the ship and taking their names. By the time the list was finished, he realised he was missing a man. He tried surveying the crowd with his eyes knowing that was not going to work.

"Hey." Bucky Barnes turned to the last soldiers climbing the ramp. "Have you seen Vali Lokison? He hasn't checked in yet, it's unlike him. He usually first one here."

"I dunno, Sarge."

"He left to see some real pretty lady." he lazily motioned to the crowd.

Bucky hummed. "That's also unlike him." he shrugged. "What'd she look like?" he asked, curiously.

The soldier shrugged. "Real pretty like, and all."

"White hair." the other said. "Strange too."

Bucky Barnes turned back to the crowd still unable to see his soldier among the people. He jumped onto a crate next to him to get a better look. Not far into the crowd he can see Vali and the woman he met last night. They were speaking and urgently by the looks of things. He tried to call out to him and wave him down.

Bucky was happy he was speaking to his mother and saying his goodbyes but the ship was going to leave. He jumped down from the crate and made his way toward them pushing between people as quickly as he could calling out for Vali. He finally broke through and when he got there... they were gone. He turned to see if they walked away and nothing. Vali was a tall man and a young women with white hair does not go unnoticed easily.

His Queen | Book 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora