Beyond the Surface

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New book coming through!

I have just finished my "Imperfects" book and though it has been a lot of fun and a crazy adventure, this new story is going to be quite interesting. And totally different!

I took on this challenge with my sister, RAIR1234, and is the reason for this new book. Well one of the many reasons 😁

It is going to be a twist and retelling of Beauty and the Beast and the Little Mermaid.

. . .

I know! Weird, right? But it comes together in a fun creative way you will just have to read and see for yourself 😉

And so as I say a close to "Imperfects" which will always be a part of me, I now open the doors for my new book, "Beyond the Surface".

Come dive in and see for yourself. You can outsmart a sea witch.

Can't you?

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