Chapter 18

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Maggi's voice with her little giggle irritated Max almost to the core. Her hands in fists, turning the corner to get a better view.

Her dad's hand was on Maggi's arm, sending reassuring circles but when he moved closer she lost it. "Dad!?"

Max watched as he turned around with a hard glare, tears forming in Max's eyes. "Max?" Maggi questioned sending a glare towards her dad as he sent one towards Max.

"Max what..."

"I came here to see how you were doing with everything..." he physically stiffened at what she said his expression going blank before going back to his cold expression.

"Steve, what is going on?" Maggi's arms were crossed and her foot was tapping to a fast rhythm.

Looking at Maggi then back at her dad this time she didn't feel sad or sorry, she felt angry. "I can't believe you forgot..."

"I will never forget Max!!!" Her dad sudden outburst caught her by surprise but Max continued anyway, "Then what are you..."

Her dad fueled with anger stepped ever so slightly away from Maggi to face her. "You think I would forget the worst day of my life. The way she died right in my arms and you survived? Of all people to survive, you did!!!..."

"DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT!!" Max shouted back tears in her eyes, one single tear leading the way for the many others that started to flow. "I know it was... my fault. I know I was stupid and arrogant then... but I tried everything to make it up..."

"Well news flash Max, unless you can bring back the dead, I will never forgive what you did," with that he took Maggi's arm whispering an apologize as he led her out the room.

Max stood their for a moment before she stepped forward, "but dad..."

"I'm not your dad!!!"

"But your the only family I have left," Max whispered softly not caring whether he heard or not. Walking away she was about to turn around when she heard him mutter the words that seemed to belong to her, "You lost the last person who could have ever loved you the day your mother died."

With that last comment he was gone but the words stuck with her. "You lost the last person who could have ever loved you the day your mother died."

Tears sliding freely down now she couldn't help but see how much truth his words held. Everything happened so fast, every detail of that day still haunts me. The way I left without saying goodbye, the others students, the water...

Trailing off she wiped her tears and stomped angrily out the door.

Walking for about three miles she finally came across the place she wanted to go with her 'use' to be step dad. Walking into the town cemetery she knew the pathway by heart though she only had gone once before.

She reached the place in no time, her tears running down her cheeks as she sat down in front of a tombstone. "Secinca Drago, loving mother to daughter Maxine Drago and loving wife to husband Steve Drago. Born August 25, 1975. Died May 5, 2008."

"Hey mom, long time no see," Max started off her laugh nervous and heartbreakingly sad. "I just wanted to say umm a lot has happened. I don't think you would be believe everything that has happened these past two months. I'm not entirely sure if I believe it," she smiled a bit taking time to have her hand trace her stone.

"To think it all started with a group of people trying to kill me... long story short I made new friends and an acquaintance. You would love Luna, she is the bestest friend you could ever have. Granted she is a shape shifter but she prefers to be a big black wolf in the daytime and a small one at night."

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