Chapter 50

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They heard Luna's scream and then her sharp bark. Before the connection went silent.

Max and Jason barely glanced each other's way before they were running toward Luna. After an eternity went by they finally reached her, no one was around, running off before they came.

"Luna," Max knelt next to Luna and winced, tears trailing down her eyes. There was two arrows pierced into her side and her breathing was fast and shallow.

"Luna..." Jason could barely get out her name before he knelt by her side in defeat. "Luna, I can't feel you."

Max turned to Jason and wiped her tears angrily. "We will find a flower. The breathing flower or whatever. We will find it and save you in time."

"There's no more, and even if there was it doesn't work on animals," Jason spoke the words no one wanted to hear and Max sharply faced him with a glare.

"She's a shifter we don't know if it won't work."

"Max stop. Listen to Jason. It won't."

Luna's voice barely hit them, as if it were softer than a whisper. Max's tears came back and she turned to Jason, giving him a desperate look, hoping for a solution. Instead he closed his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

"I won't give up..." Max said, starting to get up.


"No! You might have given up but I haven't it," she got up angrily but a pair of arms stopped her. Jason rested his chin against her head, his breathing slow as he gasped for air.

"We can't. We can't... waste time like that...."

"Jason's right, you will only make it harder on yourselves. Come."

Luna didn't have to say it twice before they were both my her side, the arrows still in her chest.

"Take out the arrows."

"But if we do that you'll..."

"Bleed out. I know. The arrows are laced with poison, it's hurting more in than it is out."

Max's tears blurred her vision as she reached for an arrow, Jason doing the same thing with a shaky hand.

1, 2, 3..

They pulled out the arrows and threw it as far as they could throw.

Luna's breathing began to slow, but she kept her eyes open.

"Jason, do what's right for this place. Max, take care of Jason when he gets it wrong."

That got a sad smile out of both of them and they waited for Luna to continue.

"You need to look out for each other. Max, you are there for him, he will be there for you. Don't close yourselves off... you both like to do that. Rely... on each other."

"And... I'm sorry I was bossy, mean..."


"And that I wasn't there for you, Max."

There was just an intense moment of silence that they thought Luna was gone despite her slow breathing. Max clutched her hands into fist and felt both angry and hurt and it showed on her facial expression. Jason was no better, barely looking at either of them.

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