Chapter 35

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Jason marched up to the office angrily, a scowl on his face as he knocked with as much force as he could muster. He held the folder tight in his hands, refusing to let it go encase it fell over and opened up.

Mrs. Silver, the advisor over the school, opened the door a look of fear crossed over her eyes only to be replaced with a look of irritation.

"What are you doing here boy..."

"Where are they!?" He shouted, marching in without further warning.

"They are in a meeting right now?" She tried to say with a strong voice but it cracked in the end. Her eyes widen at the folder and she could only look at him as she moved aside.

Jason ignored the act and walked past her without a second glance. He saw the room that held the meeting and burst right in without so much a knock or a greeting.

He walked to the directors and slammed the folders in front of them. Both the directors looked up from their phones for a second before they turned back to it with a sigh, typing across the screen.

"What is this?" Jason asked, not liking the idea of speaking up first but saw no other way to start the conversation.

"You don't take that tone with me boy," the director said his eyes narrowing on the screen before he looked up at him.

"What is this!?" Jason asked again this time his voice held more edge and more volume.

"Jason you have been student council for some time now and though we appreciate all you do here it isn't enough. You need more..."

"Need more what? I still have time and I cannot deal with this now. Tonight is the dance. I'm going with someone I like and I'm actually going to have fun. So thanks but no thanks," he moved away as quickly as possible and made a settle dash for the door.

"Is it Taylor?"

"No it's Max."

The directors looked at each other and everyone stopped their small whispers after that.

"Taylor is a nice girl and an imperfect..."

"Well you know what Max is the girl I actually like," Jason barely got out before the room filled with everyone's gasps as if he had said the worst thing imaginable. The Sasha's glaze harden, her face turning from that of a curious person to a stone hard director.

"Imperfects go with imperfects and perfect with perfects. That is the rule. This is unacceptable..."

"I don't care," Jason said stubbornly, arms crossed angrily over his chest as he glared at them.

"You listen here Jason. You can avoid this for one night but tomorrow I expect to see you bright and early and we are going to get this done. So I wouldn't get too attached. Am I clear?" Sasha's voice sliced through the room and with a roll of his eyes he walked out.

"Unbelievable," he muttered under his breath as he walked towards the Cafe. Not paying attention he bumped into someone's shoulder and heard the books fall to the ground. He considered walking away but turned around to help instead.

"Sorry I didn't see you there..."

"Clearly," the person answered with a tease and he looked up to see none other than Max.

"You okay?" She immediately asked when his eyes met hers but they didn't fill with the amusement she was so used to.

"Yeah. I just had an interesting conversation," he said with a small grin and handed her the books he had picked up.

"A lot of books for someone who should be in class?" Jason gave her a look before looking up at the place she was standing outside of.

"Lily and I decided we would take a break and go dress shopping."

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