Chapter 39

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She walked up to her favorite place since she got there and opened the door to the roof, having a feeling he would be there.

She opened the door silently and looked up just in time to see Jason and Taylor together, Taylor too close for comfort.

"Jason, you know I'm here for you right? Forget Max, she doesn't know you like I do. If you ever need me I'm never too far away," Taylor whispered, still loud enough for Max to hear, and touched her hand to his cheek. Jason smiled, giving her one of Max's favorite smiles.

"Thank you, I needed a friend to talk to," Jason still smiling stepped away but Taylor stepped closer till they were only inches apart.

Finally Taylor leaned in and kissed him, moving her hand to his hair as she deepened the kiss.

Max was so furious it took everything in her to not punch either of them. Refusing to see his reaction she left, leaving the door slightly open because she knew she would slam it if she closed it.

She walked in her room and slammed her door so loud she could have sworn the room vibrated at the impact. Luna perked up at that and was immediately on her feet and at the door.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I rather not talk about it Luna," Max said through gritted teeth, her teeth clutched together tightly.

"Maxine Drago you tell me what's bothering you or so help me I will ask Jason myself...."

"I'm sure he would like that," she let out a bitter laugh, "He kissed her! Or she kissed him and ugghhh...."

"Wait. What?"

"They were talking all lovey dovey and then she kissed him," Max paced her room, her hands still curled into fists.



"Did he kiss her back?"

She paused at that before resuming her pacing again. "I don't know. Maybe. Probably! They did go out for a while so it makes sense..."

"It was never like that."

"I saw them Luna. Who knows maybe he needs her right now. If they're happy who am I to stand in the way."


"No!!" She threw her hands up and muttered the rest. "Well yes. I mean I don't like that idea, at all. I don't know why but she bothers me and not just because the night of the dance. She's..."

"What happened the night of the dance?"

"Nothing. It's rude to interrupt," Max changed the subject but Luna caught on. "Anyway, she's mean and too pretty..."

"Max what happened?"

"Nothing. Luna drop it okay? Now where was I? Oh yeah she's a brat!..."

"No! If something's wrong then I want to know. I won't stop barking until you tell me."

Luna's barks were loud and obnoxious, that irritating would be an understatement.

"Luna, stop!" Max hissed but Luna continued to bark, over and over and over again.

"Hey shut up your dog!"

"Sorry!" Max tried to apologize but the person wouldn't leave.

"I said shut up your stupid dog!!!!! I'm trying to sleep!"

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