Chapter 33

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Hello my fellow readers! I can't believe it has been a year since I started this amazing story all from a dream. The story is just now really beginning so I challenge you all to stick with it because these ending chapters are coming fast and emotions will fly everywhere! :)

Thank you again for reading my book. Now this chapter is a bit on the long side but please see it through to the end. This will be a long chapter but hang in there and see it to the end :)

Feel free to vote or comment and I will see you on the other side. I bid you adieu. For now :)

"You know it's hard to trust when all you do is hide."

Max stopped dead in her tracks and turned around slowly. Luna's eyes were closed and her breathing was rigged but she didn't open her eyes.

"Who even plays hide and go seek anymore. I'm never found! But I do want to play. But I want to play something else! I'm older so ha! Meany!..."

Max sighed, smiling in relief but finding the dialogue of the dream hard to follow. She always hated when she caught on to Luna's dreams and thoughts without realizing it but this time she was just more happy she was a sleep. Though it wasn't directed at her she couldn't get that one phrase out of her head. You know it's hard to trust when all you do is hide...You know it's hard to trust when all you do is hide...

"I'm sorry Luna, but I have to go. I have to know," she clutched her bag tightly and opened the door quietly.

"Max is everything okay?" Lily said from behind her. Max wiped around so fast she heard cracked her neck. "Ow... hey, what's up?" She smiled and tried to ignore Lily's withering glaze.

"I should ask you that."

"Umm what are you doing up?" Max injected quickly changing the subject.

"Had a nightmare, couldn't go to sleep so I've been working on my essay. Where are you going?" The way she asked had Max shrinking back, and laughing nervously.

"I was going to get something to eat," by the glare Lily gave Max she knew she wasn't get off so easily. "Fine I have to go out but you can't tell anyone. I need to deal with some... personal issues." Yeah like who that boy is.

"What boy?"

Great. Max sighed shifting her glaze slight to Luna who was giving her a guarded look. How did this happen again?! Everyone was asleep!! Ughhhh!!!!

"Personal issues," Lily said her voice softing slightly before she cleared her throat and turned around walking toward her nightstand. "Fine I won't tell. Just this once."

"Thank you Lily," Max sighed with a smile and then walked toward her bed, refusing to look Luna in the eye.

"Max what is going on? You've been acting stranger than normal."

Max rolled her eyes with a small smile, bringing her hand up to brush her hair away.

"Luna, I'm going. Not going going but I'm doing the you know what." She looked into Luna's eyes and saw them widen before she shook her head.

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