Chapter 26

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"Ten people left in the game, I repeat ten people left," the announcer went off almost giving Max a heart attack at the sudden noise. Wondering about the weird jump from fifty to ten wasn't even an option when Max finally came to the edge of the battle field, the side the imperfects started on. Just great. You couldn't have led him the other way. Stupid, stupid.

Max hid behind a boulder as the imperfect did as well, directly across from her. The only thing that made the situation worse was she was completely trapped and with only two arrows which meant she had to kill him fast so she could get her new set of arrows before more imperfects started filing in.

He made the first move going just above the boulder and missing her hair by a centimeter. She knew if it touched her hair it wouldn't count, he just wanted her to move out.

"Come on filthy perfect. What are you, scared!?" He taunted throwing another arrow this time at the left side of the boulder. Max quickly moved to the right side as the boulder was tall enough but not as wide as she hoped when she first saw it.

She ignored his insults and tried hard to focus as another arrow came. "Man he's just got arrows to burn or what?" She muttered looking down at her two arrows. Deciding to look out she came out for a few seconds before hiding behind her safety rock again.

"Snap, a perfect died right where he's standing so he has a good supply of arrows. What to do, what to do... I only have two and need more..." she trailed off as she came up with the silliest, most stupidest plan probably ever heard. I need to get out of here. Hope this works.

Grabbing her shoes she pulled them together and tied them together.

"Hurry up girl. You don't have all day," she could hear the smile in that comment and knew back up was coming soon. Now or never. Thank you for the puffiness of my shoes and for my big feet of size nine and a half. Let's do this, remember think fast and take in the situation.

She watched as he turned around coming a bit more in the open as another imperfect came along. Now or never.

She zoomed out, holding her shoes as a shield and decided on moving her  shoes back and forth fast. Receiving two bewildered looks they quickly recovered as they started throwing arrows again.

She was surprise to find that the shoes were a success for not only one arrow hit her shoes but two. She then threw her arrow at the rude imperfect's back, hitting it's mark. She threw her arrow not at the first imperfect that showed up but at the second one that just came in. The first imperfect that showed up had a startled face before he marched off towards the other imperfects still a good lengths away. Buying her time.

The first imperfect to show up joined the group of three other imperfects as they came up with a plan.

She then waited behind the tree for the rude imperfect's one arrow to reach the bag before he would make the switch and she could take it. Finally the arrow reached the bag but he didn't switch it right away.

Moving sideways as the arrows flew by the tree she waited for him to make the switch but he still didn't make any move to switch it. "You are suppose to make the switch, hurry up already!" Max shouted and finally he did it, slowly stretching his hand out. She took the bag and right then an arrow hit his arm just missing hers.

"You stupid idiot, you were suppose to get her!" The rude imperfect shouted before sitting down and shutting his mouth all together.

Grateful it missed hers she then noticed that if it hit her long sleeve shirt she would be out. I see why everyone wears tank tops now. Not that I think I would have changed anyway but still. But in all honesty I didn't even get my outfit... but he knew what I liked and wouldn't want me uncomfortable. Besides he's wearing his jacket so I guess it makes us even. Where is he anyway?

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