Chapter 16

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"So will you help me?" Max asks Luna hopefully with a bright smile on her face, fingers crossed.

Luna gives her a pointed glare before grinning ever so slightly. "Help you kill Jason?"

"Come on Luna, you make it sound like it's a bad thing," Max mumbled as she continued to walk her laps.

"What's the one thing I tell you not to do Max?"

"Not get you involved in fights I get in with Jason. But is it much of a fight if we kill him first? Besides Luna, you know why today was important..." Max glanced her way sadly before looking back in front of her, playing with her gloves but also making sure not to show her mark.

"I know I really am sorry about that. Hey but at least you got all the homework you would need for the next few days. And dont worry about Jason sometimes you can't help how oblivious he can be at times..."

"Sometimes?" Max questioned with with a smirk, Luna chuckling at that.

"Okay maybe more than sometimes but he does have his moments, you can't argue with that."

Luna gave her a sharp stare as if daring her to disagree, the lightness of situation making it more humorous. "Well since you brought it up, I'm going to have to not agree nor disagree with you. Just agree to disagree but then disagree with disagreeing."

"Max you are something else, you know that?"

"Yes, I believe I do," Max smiled and looked around to see they were the only ones still doing the laps with one more to go. "I guess everyone decided to jog," Max whispered to Luna right as Luna picked up her pace. "Okay then."

After their last lap Max went toward where Lily was and noticed some people giving her weird looks. "Lily do you think people think that's it's weird that I talk to Luna sometimes?" "Nah, they are probably use to you talking to yourself," Lily told her with a reassuring smile before heading off to Tina when the cleaners called her over. "Thanks?"

"If you only had someone encourage you to say it in your mind instead of out loud hmmm... oh wait you already have someone."

Max sent a small smile her way, rolling her eyes. The substitute teacher, which pretty much let this class chill the whole training time, cleared his throat and spoke just barely loud enough for people to hear him, "Okay class I will be subing for the next few days and she wants me to tell you at the end of the day for all days that quote 'when I come back get ready for the worst days of your life. Have fun... for now.' Well that's that. Start cleaning up the bells going to ring..." before he could barely finished the bell rang and everyone started filing out.

"Luna take it easy, I know training with Jason was tough...I never said you couldn't handle it," Max smiled a knowing smile when Luna's glare sharpen before she relaxed again. "I'm going to wait for Jason, he should be coming soon," Max called back saying a quick goodbye before waiting outside the door.

"Where is he?" She muttered to herself after a few minutes passed when she finally saw someone in the distance walk towards her. "Finally you showed up, I've been waiting, for..." Max tighten her grip on her stuff before she realized who it was and loosed her grip on her bag again. "What do you want?"

"Oh how nice of you to ask," Dana replied in a snide tone, her glare matching her equally wicked grin. "No seriously what do you want?" Dana puffed up her chest and flicked her hair in a 'worship me' kind of way before whispering to her in a harsh tone.

"I came here to tell you not to get too cocky about what happened in class. I know who you are Max and you're no perfect. Now all I have to do is convince everyone else of that too."

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