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"This is amazing!"

I say as Connor walks to the fornt gate and suddenly I hear him swearing. He walks back to the car frowning

"It's closed down, sorry Evan"

"Oh no it's okay it's not your fault"

I say looking down trying to hide my disappointment.

"Hey follow me!" Conner suddenly yells racing across the yellow felid calling out to me.

"Hey isn't this nice?"

Connor says panting as he tries to catch his breath I nod still unsure of what's he's planning.

"What are you planning to do after highschool?"

Connor asks

"I want to write a book or maybe go sailing, wouldn't that be cool?"

Connor nods "yeah or m-maybe I can bike the Appalachian trail" I say excited. I finally felt more comfortable we began talking about everything to our favorite bands to making up jokes no one else but us would understand.

It was two friedns an a perfect day.

Connor suddenly races off towards the biggest tree I run after him.

We climb one branch then to another

I climb higher and higher I climb til' the entire sun shines on my face.

..then I suddenly feel the branch give away.


Connor yells panic and tries to reach out to me to catch hold but misses. My back collided with the ground and my whole body throbs with pain. Connor climbs down the tree as fast as he could before I know it he's right next to me the look of panic tattoo on his face. "Oh god Evan I'm so sorry!" Connor says reaching for me but stops . It takes me a while to reply the wind was knocked out of me.

"I-im okay"

I wheezed out. Connor helps me sit up but I winced in pain so much that i started softly crying even though I tried to hold it in.

"Oh shit"

Connor said when he sees my tears. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck"

He just mutters over and over I wipe my eyes "i-im okay" I hiccupped. Connor Punch's the ground and takes a deep breath when he looks too me I can see guilt written on his face.

"Evan where does it hurt?"

Whimpering I reply "everywhere".I know that's a stupid answer.

"Can you move?"

Connor asks I nod my head and very painfully sit up Connor holds my shoulders in support. "Fuck you must of fell at least 12 feet"

I tense in Connor hold "U-m the dirt is soft I'm okay?"

I mumble. "I think we should go" Connor says standing up "do you need a hand?" I shake my head and attempt to stand up but suddenly I feel my leg give away and then I'm on the ground again, Connor looks at me with fright in his eyes.

"My a-nkle"
I say holding it Connor kneels next to it.

"It's really swollen. I'm going to carry you, okay?"

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