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"Stop." I whispered.There are guards outside,it'll be difficult to enter.

"How are we supposed to enter? We can't fight those guys! They look so big and it would be hard to beat them." Hojun said.

I picked up a big rock and was about to throw it when Yongjin stopped me,"What the hell are you doing?" Tch.This guy is a scaredy cat.

"Trust me."

I threw it with all my might towards their car,the guards' car.The both of them ran towards it,making it easier for us to enter the warehouse.

All of us entered without making a noise,"Hey who are you?!" Oh shit.

"Trust me,you don't want to know." I said before kicking the guy's face,making him unconscious and his nose bleed.

"Woah.Are idols actually like this?" Hojun asked me."Not all.I just happen to know how to break people's faces when they get in my way." I glared at Yongjin before walking.

My eyes widen when I saw a bunch of doors," are we supposed to find Jooyeon? There are many doors here,and one of these doors might be the end of us."

I felt my phone buzzed so I took it out and answered the call,"Wae?"

[The police are here.They just turned off their sirens,so the people in there won't suspect.] It's Seungcheol hyung.

"Bring them inside.I'm sure one of these doors will reveal Jooyeon."


I turned off the call and looked at the two guys behind me,"Get something big or maybe a weapon that you can use to hit the guards."

Hojun got a baseball bat and Yongjin got....a pole?

"What? I can stab their faces with this.Believe me."

I just smirked before cracking my knuckles.My martial arts lessons does come in handy.(tbh,idk if minghao knows martial arts) It's time to beat some asses.

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