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I removed my heels and grunt in pain.My feet is red,and it's swelling a bit.Damn heels,I won't wear one again.Even if I get married,I'll wear doll shoes or maybe slippers.

Mr.Xu and Mrs.Xu already left.Now,it's only me and Minghao who's left in the car."Yah why aren't you leaving? It's already 10 pm."

I pout,"My feet hurts because of these heels you gave me,now I can't even walk!"

He suddenly went outside of the car and opened the car door beside me,"Why? Are you going to throw me out? Can you have pity on me?"

I got speechless when he suddenly sat in front me,"Get on my back.I'll carry you."

I smiled,"Thanks." I picked up my heels and bag before getting on his back.He stood up,locked his car,and walked into my building where my unit is located.

"You know,if you're this nice,I would agree on marrying you.But nah,you're so different from what I expected."

"Hey,you're the same too.You always say mean things to me,it kinda hurts you know?"

I cooed and poked his cheeks,"Aww is baby Minghao upset?~" I teased him while giggling.

"Stop it if you don't want me to leave you here."

"Arraseo." I pouted and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"But you know,you're not so bad.You even drove all the way here just to fetch me."

"Yeah yeah,shut up."

I pouted once again.He's really mean,psh.

Once we arrived at my condo unit,he dropped me on the couch."Do you have ice here? I'll treat your foot."

I nodded,"In my fridge."

Heol,I must be dreaming.Xu Minghao is taking care of me.

i married a fansite-nim | x.mh (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now