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"Jooyeon,can you see those guys?" Your new friend,Yeseul said then pointed her a finger at a group of boys entering the school cafeteria.

"Wae? Are they our classmates?" you asked.

"Yep.They are the school heartthrobs,and the girls always make moves on them but they don't care at all." she said while staring at them.

A guy from the group caught your attention.He was warm-looking,he always smiles whenever he talks to someone.

"Who's that? The one who's wearing a black parka?"

"Oh him?" Yeseul smiled and stared at you,"Why? Joah? You already have Minghao."

You glared,"I'm just asking.Just tell me his name,Yeseul."

"He's Yongjin,a freshman like us.They said he came from a rich family but eh,I'm not close to him anyway."

"Hey Yeseul!" your eyes widen when the group went to your table and sat beside you guys.Yongjin is sitting beside you and you feel kinda shy since he smiles at you.

"Yah Hojun,you can't just sit with us." Yeseul said then flicked his forehead."Aish Kang Yeseul stop that!"

You just chuckle before looking at Yeseul,"Oh? I haven't seen you around here.Are you new here?"

You nodded,"I'm Jooyeon."

"Hojun here! These are my friends Yongjin and Wonho."

You looked at them and smiled,"Nice to meet you."

"Aren't you the fiance of the Seventeen member? The8?" Wonho asked you.

You nodded,"Yeah,I am his fiance."

Hojun suddenly stood up,"Since we're friends now,should we drink later?"

"Call." "Sure." "Arraseo." "Okay."

"Nice.But before that,let's go to our next class." Hojun said before running outside the cafeteria.

"Sorry.Hojun is always like that,you'll get used to it." Yongjin said."I'll bring your books."

"It's fin—" "I insist.Besides,we're friends now."

You just smiled and said thank you to him.So far so good.

So far so good

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Goo Yongjin

Lee Wonho

Im Hojun

Kang Yeseul

i married a fansite-nim | x.mh (HIATUS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant