Till Death ₪ XLIVII

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Brielle wants nothing to do with me and hasn't said a word to me since that night, I don't know what to do . I didn't do nothing extreme, I just didn't tell her like I should have . I guess telling her yeah I kissed her because I was thinking who wouldn't  want there first kiss to be by me doesn't sound acceptable still . I done everything to make up I don't know what is left to do, I'm sorry for hurting her but sorry won't be enough . This not talking to me shit is getting annoying though .

"Brielle, your heading to a week past your due date . If he doesn't come out by this Wednesday were going to have to get him out ." Dr. Hill stated

"I don't want a C - section, I had all my kids naturally ."

"We can't wait longer ?" I asked

"We don't want him getting too big, if you see any spotting go to the ER ASAP ."

"Thanks Doc ." She said as I handed her a napkin to get the gel off

"Least he's healthy, you want to get something to eat instead of cooking tonight ?"

She ignored me

I drove home and she ended up making something to eat, I grabbed my crutches and tried to get upstairs to shower . When I got out the kids were in there rooms playing with one another, she was in the bedroom on her laptop . I took off my towel, but not even that could get her to say anything . I got dressed and laid on the bed and grabbed her foot, but she snatched away .

"Come on Brielle, your foot is shaped like a loaf of bread . Let me massage your foot ."

She snatched away again .

"If I can't touch you then pay somebody who will, here ." I gave her a $150 dollars to get her nails and whatever else she wanted done

She grabbed her keys and left, leaving me here with the kids .


"Brielle, I haven't seen you in a minute . What's wrong ?"

"I can't be with him anymore ." I cried

"What he do ?"

"What doesn't he do ?" I sat on his couch "Keeis I can't trust him anymore, I'm tired of going back to him and I'm tired of being lied to . He kissed some girl ."

"Word ?"

"He's always doing something, why do I have to sit back and always take it ?"

"We both no Chris doesn't mean to ."

"Fuck that, that's bullshit . He just doesn't mean to get caught . I can't Keeis, I can't ."

"Calm down, think things through first . Y'all been through too much for all that talk ."

"All the shit we been through is shit he's put me through, I just want to be happy for once and he can't give that to me ."

"You never been happy with him ?"

"Once upon a time ."

"I guess it's possible for you to have enough ."

"Sometimes I wonder what would be of him and I if I chose differently . Would I be better off ?"

"That's something I can't answer ."

"You've been a really good ass friend to me and I known for the jump you wanted it to be different . Thank you so much for being loyal to Chris, I wish he could get that concept ."

"It's a gift . Since you brought it up I would like to say I always had a thing for you, I never wanted to say something cause I ain't want you to stop coming to me . When we took that trip to Spain for your birthday before you even thought about being with him, I thought we had something in the works . I wanted to tell you for so long, but it's nothing to do about it . I think you're beautiful and even with 5 kids I'd still be with you, but I know because of him being family and you and I being cool it won't happen . But do I wish I could've did something before ? Of course, this would be my story instead of his . But it's not, I can only tell you that I wouldn't go that route your thinking yet ."

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