Till Death ₪ II

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After all these years and all these kids I still continue to find what it is exactly I want! Being the founder of the dance studio brought me closer to Chris, but I still want to do something else. Finally landing my hands on a beautiful baby girl, I'm complete when it comes to Ava.

Yet something from my life is missing, I know exactly what needs to be done but I'm not ready for it. Becoming a housewife is not my damn title but I think it needs to come to that, I done everything I want and have everything I want. I think the one thing I been avoiding is the one thing that I need to do, I want to be home with my kids and when they're gone I want that alone time with Chris. I feel like I'm running a day care, why not become full time?

With the kids it's been so chaotic, they are my life so why am I trying to steady form a new one outside the house? I don't want to give up the dance studio, that's my baby too. If I become a housewife I can't dance at the studio. Majority of the smile I have during the day is from seeing the smile on my students face, because of my studio and partially who I'm married to I managed to help reach their dreams in high places taking them where they haven't before.

For some reason I didn't have a lot of friends when I was in high school and college, it's strange too cause I'm the most loyal crazy ass friend anybody could ever have. Nobody was really drawn to me though, I was always the one that tells it like it is. I had few friends here and there, it was never anything like it could have been. Once Chris and I got together I started talking to his friends, I still didn't feel like I belong. I was new too being in the spotlight and knowing his famous friends, Chyna was always a good ass friend that I had. But once that dance studio was born, I didn't make friends, I created a family! That studio created an outlet for me and many others, it wouldn't be nothing without Mel and Jason.

Turns out Mel did go back to her boyfriend, only to allow his ass to beat on her some more. A couple of months after the twins were born she came back, bad as it sounds I couldn't allow her to stay letting my kids see what she been through. Her face was bad, makeup did her ass no justice with those bruises and cuts. I gave her a thousand dollars, to get out on her own and do whatever she needed to get right. She placed herself in an apartment and got help, we still keep in touch. Instead of making her pay me the money back, I made her promise me she wouldn't go back to him and as far as I know she ain't seen him since.

"CHRIS!" I shouted from downstairs, seeing a pile of dog shit at the bottom of the step.

I know Chris ass wasn't going to come downstairs and clean it up, his ass was knocked out. That boy don't know when it is the morning time till he smell breakfast! X came walking from around the staircase, I took a roll of paper and punished him. He started whimpering but I didn't give a shit. This is my house, you going to learned to respect my shit.

As I was cleaning it up, he wouldn't leave me alone. He know he fucked up, kept trying to get me to give him some love. I fought so hard but he was so cute, I locked him in the cage and began washing my hands to make breakfast.

First one to wake up is always Caeden, then Josiah, Mijo is just like his daddy and will sleep late like Chris. Ava is a sometimer, sometime she'll wake up along with Caeden and sometimes she'll wake up along with Mijo. First thing they did was run to X, but his ass was in time out till I say he can come out. X wanted to come out and play so bad but he should have thought about that before he shitted on the floor.

"Mommy we done eating now, can we play with X

"You need to walk him first, go get the leash."

These kids fighting over this dog like he the last damn dog in the world, guess X is a good way of teaching them about responsibility.

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