Till Death ₪ X

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Chris - Brielle, don't make me go through this again please . I'm not that fucking stupid, I know where you are I know you at Keeis house I seen your wedding ring sitting on the table . Why you always got to run to that nigga when shit get bad ? This is between us talk to me don't let him in on our shit, I don't need no damn body judging . I need you to come home so I can hold you and I tell that I love you, cause I do love you . You are my whole world, I see darkness when you aren't around . I need you badly, please baby please come back home to me . I know I have a problem, I know I'm sick . Brielle I wanted to tell you, I really did but I was scared and that's hard for me to admit but I was really scared . Scared of what you would think of me when I told you, I'm still the same Chris nothing has changed me not even this shit . Don't let this shit get in between us, I've been doing good handling this for a year and you didn't even know . Nothing changed about how I felt about you and how you felt about me, why does it have to change now ? Why do you have to put me through this ? I want to end this, I want you to come back to me and love me like you used to . Most of all I want to see my kids, I know they been asking for me and I know it's been driving you crazy . Just let me stop by tomorrow and see them, I miss my kids, I miss you too . Nothing is going to get accomplished if we aren't in this together, don't be like this baby please . You know how you get when you get mad, this shit is minor it's nothing . Brielle, I can't do this without you . If you don't come home, I'm not going to stop myself . I swear to god if you leave me it'll get worse, then who will the kids have . Whose going to take care of them then ? Come home and get the hell out that house, I don't trust that nigga when it comes to you he's scheming and I can feel it . He touches you then that's it, I don't care who initiated it I'll leave you my damn self . Don't do that to yourself, don't do that to us . 1:25 AM

I excused myself from in between Josiah and Ava as soon I finished reading all of that from him, I crept into the back yard to call his ass .

"Hello ."

"You got a lot of damn nerve texting me that bullshit, are you serious Chris ? You threatening me ? After all the bullshit I put up with you ? Are you fucking serious ? First of all asshole, don't ever in your natural born life use the kids to try and pull me back it's not going to work . I don't want them around you, see you, let alone breathe the same damn air as you . Secondly, you let the fucking drugs get in between us . I wasn't the one popping fucking crack and ecstasy ."

"I wasn't popping crack, I don't fuck around with that . I said it's speed and ecstasy ."

"Don't interrupt me, I'm talking . You did enough of that already, what the fuck you think speed is Chris ? It's fucking crack, you doing some real hard shit . This isn't minor, the way I caught you looking in the bathroom is not minor . You don't realize the shit you do, you never fucking did that was always our biggest problem . You never think about me or your family, it's always about what everybody else thinks and Chris . You are a drug addict, you will always be a drug addict ."

"No I'm not ."

"Chris, yes the fuck you are . I can tell you high right now, you slurring your words . You almost fought Keeis for nothing because you was trying to call you a drug addict, you let this shit fuck with your life . You have some damn nerve of accusing me of ever even thinking about getting with Keeis, he's a good ass guy and you should be thankful he took us in . You think I'm doing something then maybe you should leave, I don't give a fuck I'll go get the divorce paper for you . The ring isn't on my finger for a damn reason . You don't want me you made that clear to me already, you chose the drugs over me in your own fucking words Chris . How do you think that makes me feel ? Those drugs can't keep you warm at night, those drugs can't hold you and tell you everything is going to be alright . You didn't just let drugs come between us, you let another bitch and drugs come between us . That bitch is who got you hooked on this shit, you told me about what happen in the hotel room with her but you left out the part about the pills Rihanna gave you . Don't bring your ass here trying to see your kids either, I swear to God Chris I will call the cops so fast they will lock you up so fast you wouldn't even know what happened ."

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