Till Death ₪ XVII

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For the vibe around the house, things have been slightly better but I still stand my ground . Chris did amazing for his performance, I did what I was suppose to do and lifted his spirits and that's all it was to it . Once we were home the celebration was over, he thought that one little kiss I gave him for luck was suppose to mean something . It absolutely does not give you the right to try and get more from that, I'm not going to hop on you it doesn't work like that . I don't want to be with him, last night had no affect on me and I told his ass that . If it's going to be a problem me sleeping in the bed with him I'll go back on the couch, every night he says he won't touch me but he waits till I fall asleep and throws his body on top of mine . He refuses to believe that I'm leaving, his withdrawals have somewhat stopped . He doesn't need me anymore, I already told him I'm not happy . What the point of staying if I'm not happy ?

"Come on, come play with us mommy !" Mijo asked

All of them, including Chris were playing in the pool . I personally did want to play, I was sitting on the side watching trying to figure out what my next move was . For the benefit of my babies, I'll be good for this and play .

"No, no, stop !" Caeden shouted as Chris picked him up and threw him into a section of the pool

"Stop being a baby ."

"Daddy, I don't like that don't do that to me ." he whined

I laughed "Mommy let's have a race !" Mijo suggested

"A race ? Boy, I will blow you out the water ."

"Then you and daddy have a race ."

"That wouldn't be fair either, daddy is a giant mommy has short legs ."

"You chicken !"

"Mommy ain't no chicken !"

"Race, race, race, race !" they all chanted

"What should daddy get if he wins ?" Chris asked

"Nothing ." I answered for them

"Umm, a kiss !" Ava suggested

"That's why you daddy's princess baby !" Chris smiled at her

"My arms hurts Mijo, I can't race ."

"Chicken !" he said then started clucking

"Imma show you a chicken, let's go !" I said to Chris

They cleared the way for us, once they said go we took off . I already knew I would lose, there's a big height difference between Chris and I . I definitely wasn't going to give up, I'm not a sore loser though I did my part and I gave him a peck . You give him an inch, Chris takes a whole fucking mile . All the kids saw was a harmless kiss, they didn't see Chris grabbing me close and squeezing my ass underwater . I wanted to slap him but I didn't want to do it in front of them, I decided to get out the pool and made hamburgers and hot dogs . Turned into a nice little family day, on a good note Chris really needed this cause soon it'll be all gone .

"Caeden, stop feeding that damn dog food from your plate ."

"He likes it mama ."

"I don't care, what I just say ? He needs to eat his own food ."

"Get out of here X before you get me in trouble again !"

The day was really good, anytime I get to see my kids laugh and smile is a good one for me . Once it began to get to dark, they began dropping like flies . I given them baths and put them to bed, then cleaned any mess that was left outside from them .

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