Till Death ₪ XXXIII

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"When mommy comes back, what are you going to tell her you guys did ?"

"Went to Uncle Keeis house and stayed with Grandma ?" Josiah said

"No ! You tell her you spent everyday with daddy, which is true . Just leave out Uncle Keeis and Grandma, okay ?"

"Alright ." they all said

"Now what are you doing to tell mommy when she comes back ?"

"We spent time with daddy and played ."

"Good ! What are you going to tell her you did today ?"

"Spent time with daddy ?"

"Very good, I got some smart babies . I'll see you when you get back okay, daddy has to go do important things ."

I left them at Keeis's for the second time, I went to go chill with Ashleigh . I thought about what she was thinking about last night, probably went to sleep in all smiles . I didn't see any harm in what I did, it felt like I was kissing Ava . I was only making a wish come true, what girl in the world would turn down a little kiss from me ? She got her college tuition paid and 3,000 dollar dress out the deal, I was able to jump start her on her career path . I think I did a good job, I feel like I accomplished something good at the same time as keeping my dick in my pants while doing it .

"I was hungry so I stopped by Mc Donalds and got us something to eat, I hope you ain't afraid to throw down on an Big Mac ." I smiled walking in

"I'm not hungry, thank you ." she said in a melancholy tone

"I was thinking maybe you an I go out and check out this little art shit I been dying to see ."

"No thank you, I don't think that's a good idea ."

"Alright, we can go out and you can help me pick out some new pieces of jewelry, I can use some opinions on what you think Brielle would like ."

"I don't think that's going to happen either ."

"We can go out shopping again ?"

"No, I don't want to do that either ."

"You got your period or something ?"

"No, I don't like what you did last night . You shouldn't have done that, the kiss was nice and I get what you were trying to do . I smiled and tingled a little, but right after that feeling came I was mad ."

"Why, it was a little kiss ?"

"To you it's a little kiss, but to me it was something else . I was mad because I couldn't kiss you back, I don't want to like you either . I don't want any part of you, I don't want to go out with you anymore either . I can't handle your life ."

I bobbed my head and stood up to leave "That's cool, be like the rest of them then . Everybody want to take from me but when I do something out of kindness I still get shut down like I committed a fucking crime . We don't have to shit together, nobody was trying to fuck you anyway ."

She grabbed my arm "Chris wait, don't make me out to be one of those people on a bash bandwagon . I really do like you, I don't want to love you . If you were single, it would be a different story . I never had a man be nice to me like you, helped me out as much as you have . I just didn't know if we were on the same page, ever since the picture was taken of you and I in the strip club people have rudely talked about me and I don't like it ."

"Nah, it's cool . I don't have to come back, we'll talk over the phone ."

"No ." she said tugging on my arm "I don't want to lose you as a friend, I just don't want to be more than your friend . I don't want to be talked about and judged, if it was up to me I would give everything to you but somebody else stepped up before me . I'm not saying I don't like you or I don't want to be around you, I don't want this to involve into something you'll regret ."

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