Till Death ₪ VI

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I carried Mijo to bed and left Chris's ass down there, I re-woke everybody up except Ava to go potty . I took X out for his last walk of the night when I came back in Chris was still sleep on the couch, I left his ass right where he was and went to bed . I don't know how X got his little ass all the way up those stairs, but he climbed up in the bed too . Putting his damn body in my face, oh no boo boo got to go . He's lucky I had given him a bath before, cause I would not let his stank ass in the bed if I didn't . I moved him over in Chris's spot, I didn't lose an ounce of sleep without Chris by myside . I wasn't feeling at all him falling asleep while Mijo was talking to him, even if he couldn't stay awake you didn't have to keep messing with him having him think you listening . You made him feel like you don't care about what he had to say, all he wanted was to tell you about the toy your moms got for him and asked if you wanted to play with him . The next morning he was already gone so I couldn't showcase how mad I was at him for that, by the time we would be getting home my frustration would have boiled down . I was going to take off and take my babies to the beach, but I was putting on a benefit concert for the inner city kids to get them aware if they aren't already aware of my studio incase they need a release from their everyday life to come out and take my class . I was offering a special for two weeks free, if you like it join in and pay the fee if you don't that's fine too .

Tonight, will be featuring a variety of dances . Jason is going to be working most of the routines, I putting him in charge of that big responsibility incase I would like to pass on the studio to him for sometimes . I on the other hand will be performing an interpreted dance, I want Chris and everybody else to be there . I been talking about this for weeks, ain't no way nobody will forget and if they do it will be problems . It's not like I do performances a lot, I don't really like including myself into all my performances and routines I make with the students I don't want it to be all about me I want to give them their spotlight .

"Mommy, you going to dance like a butterfly ?" Mijo asked

After hours of rehearsal, I quickly dashed home to grab a few things and remind Chris of tonight .

I smiled as I put on some makeup "Yes baby, make sure you remind daddy in case he forgets ."

"Why can't we leave with you ?"

"Cause I'm only here for a few more minutes, nobody is at the theater to watch you guys ."

"You going to dance for us ?"

"All for you baby ."

"You look beautiful, you the most beautiful dancer in the world ."

"Awe, thank you baby . Gimme kiss, I got to go ." I gave him a kiss on the cheek getting lip stick on him

It don't matter how many times I perform, you always get nervous . But when I get on that stage, nothing can hold me back . I don't see nobody but myself out there, I don't feel anything but happiness it's like that's where my second home is .

Everything was ready to go, it was almost time to go out I was the last performance of the night . I looked out to the crowd and didn't see Chris . I saw his mother with my kids, Papi, and Mommy out there but where the hell was my damn husband ? Him and having the kids there are my most important fans, his ass ain't even here .

I went out anyway and danced, I was highly disappointed that Chris wasn't out there . I held together trying not to let my anger get in the way of performance, he really didn't show up . I told him time after time when the night was and how much it means to me that he's there . I was getting emotional up there, still manged to hit every move I needed . Finally it ended, I introduced a couple of my students and had them take a bow for their performance . Told them what an excellent job they did and put out the location of the studio, we all said goodnight and dismissed ourselves from the stage .

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