Till Death ₪ XXXVIII

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"What the hell got into you last night, whipping me and shit ?"

I woke up to one of the best mornings ever, Chris did the unthinkable and took a picture of me laying naked in bed and posted it to Instagram . I had the sheet wrapped around my body, showing off a bit of my ass down to my legs and 90 percent of side boob . The picture went viral in seconds, to be honest I didn't care . Shit I looked good in it and the only reason why he did that was to show off, I was shocked he did . Chris doesn't like when other people look at my body like that, I guess since he's the one who took the picture it was okay . Days like this have me looking forward to spending the rest of my life with him, I don't know how many times I can say I love this boy but I really do love him more and more everyday .

I laughed "I was whipping that body into shape ."

"I still got welts on me ."

I smiled "Don't be a baby, I'm surprised you remember that shit you was faded ."

"You beat the damn alcohol out of me ."

"Speaking of faded, I thought about this heavily . You and I used to light up together, even back then I was trying to get you to stop smoking that shit . I remember once the bud was finish, we would lay up together and you would ask me to recite poetry, I can't take something like that from you . I can only pray that you do the right thing and stay away from the bad shit, I'm not your mother, I'm not your sister . I'm your wife and I'm only trying to keep you alive, you want to smoke weed then I can't stop you . I couldn't stop you then and I can't stop you now, I only ask that you don't do it around me ."

"You mean it ?" he said as his face lit up

"Yeah ." I smiled looking down "You fuck up, this time there won't be no second chance ."

He leaped on top of me kissing me "I love you, I love you, I love you so much ."

I laughed squirming around "Alright, alright stop it your spitting on me ."

"You don't have to worry about me, I'll be right back ."

"You aren't going to smoke right now are you ?"

"No, I'll be right back I left something at the front desk ." he said dashing out the door

"But Chris I need to tell - ." he ran out the room before I got to tell him something else

The door closed behind him as he went to go downstairs to pick up whatever he needed, I timed him to see if he went to really smoke . But then I thought, Chris wouldn't do no dumb shit like that .

When Chris returned he didn't have anything in his hand, we went out and paid to ride the dolphins . We went scuba diving, I took of my face mask and kissed him . Knowing our crazy asses we would've fucked down there if it was possible, this trip was much needed . I was getting worn out, I was worn out when I rolled out of bed but we had to end the night we dinner . It was beautiful, we sat by candle light as spanish music played loud in the distance, Chris shaved and tighten up his look .

"You look really beautiful baby ." he said

I smiled "Thank you, so do you ."

"Can I be on top tonight Ma'am ?"

I laughed "Can we get through dinner first, worry about sex later ."

"All jokes side you look really beautiful baby, can't nobody tell you had four kids . Love how you keep that body tight for me and Cj, especially CJ ."

I laughed "Can you stop bringing CJ in everything ?"

"You like it ."

"Maybe we should call the kids, it's been a couple of days .'

"You know they sleep, it's a reason why they ain't here in PR with us ."

"I don't like being without my babies ."

"Well they going to have to take the backseat, my real baby birthday is here and we going to pretend that we don't have kids ."

"I can't call them at all ?"

"One call on your birthday, that's it ."

"Fine !"

He grabbed my hands "I feel like you and I and getting into a really good spot, we should've been took this trip . I haven't smiled and laughed this much in a while, thank you ."

"Me ? What did I do ?"

"You been there for me through everything, I owe my life to you ."

"Chris I need to tell you - ."

"Don't ruin it, I don't want to hear it . This vacation has been nothing but the best, I don't want anything to get in the way . It can wait, I want this to be special for you ."

He took me by the hand pulling me by the waist and we started slow dancing in the resturant, we started off smiling looking at each other but I pulled him closer resting my head on his chest . Wrapping my arms around him tighter I felt warm, not by his embrace but because four years later and I'm still holding on to every once of him . I smiled thinking to myself all the shit we been through, how it all brought us closer together . He knows the way my body works, he knows exactly what makes we tweak . Is it wrong that sometimes when he messes up, I see pleasure in him begging for my forgiviness ? Getting on his knees holding me close, crying more than what I would cry for him just to get me to love him again . It's not often I get the upper hand like that, when I do I smile inside . I had to let my pride go a long time ago, I wasn't the type of girl that would take no shit like this from any nigga . But it's different when your in love, all the pride shit gets flipped to side B .

First time he hurt me I felt like I lost, I lost because I stayed with him after I found out he was letting bitches suck on what's mine and had sex with one of them . We had a kid together, he was suppose to be my man and he was suppose to love me . That's why I always get so scared when he's with another woman doing god knows what, it was an accident and he was forced to do the other girl but he didn't have to do it his ass wasn't thinking that night . Your dick was in someone else's body and in somebody's mouth, you can't convince me otherwise that it wasn't cheating . You can move on, but you'll never forget .

Chris tipped the waiter a hundred dollars, we didn't have sex if you can believe it or not . I watched him sleeping as I stroked his head, I didn't feel like sleeping so I wrote something .

Four years ago today, you held me down .

On this day, we stood around .

Walking the streets of Spain, for my birthday .

Everybody knew, something would happen in one way .

You held me, saying you'll take it if you want it .

I never knew, it would be worth this .

Calling out your name, while you look down in my eyes

Four years ago today, and still we rise .

I climbed back in the bed, unable to wait for what Chris has in store for me . In the morning I'll be another year older, and another day beside him .

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