Till Death ₪ XLI

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Tonight, I felt like complete shit. I had a dream, I was high . I looked like my old self, the bad version though with the sunken in cheeks . Brielle was talking to me and I don't know what the hell she was saying, the kids was talking to me except Mijo who knows better than any of them why I was acting different . I called to him but he wouldn't even look at me, it was almost as if I was dead to him . I went upstairs and I popped more pills, I passed out . When I woke up from my dream in a sweat, Brielle's belly was pressed against my stomach . I felt the baby kicking, I got up in the middle of the night and threw some water on my face . I can't go back to that life, here I am about to have what could be my last kid and I'm not trying to be high again for another birth . Mojo already been through all my ups and downs, he knows better than the rest of them what's it like to have me around and what's it like to have me lost in my daze . When I woke up, I started feenin' for it though my mouth watered for it and I was going stir crazy in my mind . Brielle was deep in her sleep, seven months pregnant I would be too . I was able to sneak out, I don't know where I was going but I couldn't go back to sleep nor did I want to .

"Daddy, where you going ?" Caeden asked

"It's 3 o'clock in the morning, what you doing up ?"

"I'm thirsty ."

"No juice Caeden, go to sleep ."

"Please daddy ."

"No, go back to bed and don't tell mommy I'm going out ."

"Do I get juice ?"

"No, cause I don't want you peeing in the bed . Tomorrow, I'll give you whatever snack you want . Just don't tell you mommy, please please unless you want me to get in trouble ."

"I won't daddy, I promise ."

"Now quitely, go back to bed ."

I left just like that, I took a drive . I needed some fresh air, ain't nothing was open either . I wanted something to curb my taste, I wanted some pizza and since I couldn't find anything I drove around in circles around and through the town . I drove myself to sleep, woke up to a emegency response team trying to pry me out my car.

"Sir, are you okay ? Can you hear me ?"

I was in a daze, couldn't really understand what was going on . I turned my head to the side and didn't feel anything, I wasn't in a comfortable position . When I caught my vision, my I was hanging upside down in my car .

"What ?" I stammered

"Sir, if you can try and unfasten your seat belt ."

It hurt to move my arms, it wasn't clicking . He knifed my seat belt, pulling me out the broken window of my car . I was in an absurd amount of pain, as I was put on a stretcher I looked at the damage and after seeing it I'm definitely lucky to be alive . They didn't know who I was till I was at the hospital, meaning Brielle didn't know I was here . I had fractured my tibia, cracked my rib, and fractured my arm . I didn't want to call Brielle but I had no choice, I didn't want to tell her why I went out cause I don't want her on my ass anymore especially waddling her ass all over the place . I was in and out of consciousness due to the medicine they gave me, I didn't want them to give it to me but it knocked the pain off . When Brielle seen me she started crying, either her horomones were high or she really was upset .

"Why did you leave the house, where were you going ?"

"Mrs. Brown, he's in a lot of pain right now and he needs rest ."

"Leave Doc, I'm good ."

"What happen Chris ?"

"Calm down ." it was rough talking

"Look at you, look at your face ." she said gliding her hand on my cheek

"Baby, I'm alright ."

"No, you not . A cracked rib, broken arm, broken leg . Oh yeah Chris, you ready to walk out of here right now ."

"Baby, you not listening . I walked away with my life, everything else don't matter ."

"You don't understand how scared I was, I seen the car Chris . God had his hands on the wheel, you shouldn't have been out ."

"I know, where the kids ?"

"In the waiting room, I didn't have anybody to look after them I tip the security guard to look after them ."

"Can you bring them in, Two at a time . It'd be too much to have all of them in here ."

Josiah and Ava came first, of course my baby girl was in tears worried about her daddy . I told them everything was okay and sent them off, last was Mijo and Caeden .

"I'm sorry daddy I should - ."

"It's okay Caeden, I can't ask you to keep a secret . I'll tell mommy later just let me do it okay ?"

"Okay ."

"Don't feel bad, I'm alright I'll see you guys later kay I'm going to get some sleep ."

"Night night daddy ." they both said

"Night man ."

Till Death : ( Chris Brown Story )Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin