Till Death ₪ IV

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Today's Father's day, I'm dumping the kids with Chris for the day so I can spend this with my own daddy . Since having the twins and him and my mother almost on the edge of the divorce, things have gotten much better . I was afraid I was about to lose the two people who mattered to me the most, although nothing physically happened to them the symbolic hold of their marriage was almost shattered into pieces . I won't ever truly know the real reason why my father hated Chris with a burning passion, damn near killed his marriage worrying about my own . My mother was set on leaving and he was already seeing other people, I hated that shit more than anything . I would've always thought my parents marriage would last well for 40 - 50 years, thanks to Chris it still has it's chance . The things I've done for Chris never amount to what he's done for me, this nigga saved my parents from getting a divorce and I really love him for that I really do, everything he does cast the brightest smile on my face and I definitely hope our own damn marriage can last up to 40 - 50 years .

"Happy Father's Day Papi ." I said picking him up from his house

"Thank you baby, how my other babies ?" he questioned

"Fine, but we ain't going to worry about them today . Today is about us, I'm going to have you doing something that would never do . Maybe if you like it you and mommy can try it out, then I got another surprise for you ."

"You don't have to spend your money on me, dinner is fine ."

"No, I want to take you out for a relaxing day you're gonna love it ."

I took my daddy out to the Nail Salon believe it or not, I made him sit in the chair and get a relaxing pedicure . The manly one, all he's doing is just having other women rub on his feet who wouldn't love that ? Of course his mindset was like fuck that shit, but he did it for me and enjoy getting them toes cleaned . I had to Instagram that and show that picture to mommy, I was dying when he started to get into it . Once I had my tips pressed me were out, I took him out to eat and we talked about how Chris and I were doing . Even if I did have something bad to say, it would worry the shit out of him . I told him we were good then he asked about how the twins are doing, Ava is his love . That's his first granddaughter and he loves her to death, gives her anything she wants . He says when he looks at her he sees a lot of me, he told me I would need to really watch her when he gets older because she will definitely use her charm to pull some sleek shit on me . Ava will know how life works though before her little ass tries to test me, I'm not raising no fast ass girls . When we finished our conversation about how things are at home, I took him to the Heat game . Not only did we have court side tickets but I managed to get him to meet Lebron James, I'm more of a Dwight Howard kind of girl but I knew my dad would've like to shake his hand and snap a picture with him .

He was having so much fun, I always make sure my daddy is taken care of . He's taught me and given me a lot over the years, I want to give back to him now .

"Daddy, I need some help . I don't know what to do, I been thinking about hanging up my working shoes and being home with my babies more . What do you think ?"

"What made you decide you want this ?"

"I'm ready, I don't like that fact that they're always with you and mommy or at Chris's mom house . I made these kids, not you guys . I want to watch over them 24/7 instead of almost half the day, they deserve to have at least me being with them full time ."

"Why you wanna quit something you worked hard for ?"

"That's what thinking too, I haven't talked about it with Chris yet . It's still a thought but I just wanna be around my babies, that's all ."

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