Chapter Forty-Eight

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It's ending. That's all anyone knows. The UK is preparing for the hostages and that means that Harry is coming home.

Anne had cried for three hours straight.

"This could all be a load of shit." Gemma mumbles from where she's sitting at the table. Her mother had made her a mug of tea, but it was left untouched. No matter how many times she dipped the teabag in and out, she couldn't bring herself to drink it.

"Don't say that, Gem." Anne said, sniffling. The tears had finally subsided an hour ago but she was now left with the aftermath of a running nose.

"I just don't want us to get our hopes up, Mum."

"There's nothing wrong with a little hope."

"We've had hope for a year now."

"So it won't kill us to hold out for a little more. You've heard the stations. This is it. They've run out of supplies in the states. The Americans are sending in troops and everyone's coming over here." She looked around at the house.

They had moved in 2012 when the band had really started taking off. Being that Anne had been a single mother for a period they lived in a smaller house, more of a cottage. When she began dating Robin, he moved in briefly before Harry decided to put the money he was making to good use. He bought the large house for the family and they moved in almost immediately and had been there ever since. It wasn't too enormous. Perhaps it was larger than the average size, but nothing too flashy. It was comfortable.

"We're going to have to tidy up a bit before he gets here though." Anne said, walking into the living room.

"You're nesting, Mum." Gemma yelled from the kitchen. She sighed, grabbing her now-cold tea and following suit.

"So what if I am? He's coming home, Gemma." Anne said, whispering the last bit. Her eyes glassed over. Gemma looked down, wringing her hands. Anne stepped forward, grabbing her chin between two fingers and lifting her head to look at her. "It's okay to show emotion, you know?"

Gemma's bottom lip trembled.

"I thought we'd never see him again." She whispered.

"But we will, sweets. So chin up, eh?"

Gemma smiled as her mother pulled her into the hug.

"Regardless of if he'll be here in a month or in a minute, we do have to clean. The boys'll be over soon."

It was Sunday, meaning it was time for their weekly brunch. Once the boys had returned without Harry, none felt good about leaving the Styles-Twist family on their own. They shooed the boys away, but only after an agreement to weekly check-ins. Thus, the brunch was born.

"Alright, I'll put the kettle on." Gemma said, walking back into the kitchen.

The front door opened as Robin stepped into the home.

"Bloody madhouse out there. The hell is going on with everyone? Traffic coming out my arse." He mumbled. He looked up at Anne. "Was there an accident somewhere? Anything on the radio? A big pile-up or summat?"

Anne grinned, reaching out and grabbing his hands.

"It's over. Or, it's ending. The war in the states. They'll start evacuating soon."

Robin blinked at her.

"So Harry...?" He trailed off. Anne's smile grew wider as she nodded.

Robin cried for 13 minutes, which is three hours in Robin-time.


The boys traveled together, meaning they all burst through the door at the same time, all yelling the same thing.

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