Chapter Twenty-One

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"W-what?" I stammered. I looked at Niall with wide eyes and he nodded, both to himself and to me.

"You need to leave. You don't want to stay here with us and you don't want to go home with us and anyone can see that. It hurts a bit, but it's true." He said.

"Niall, I-."

"I don't need any excuse, H. I just want you to be happy and, while it's hard to see right now, they do, too. They're just being a bit more selfish is all." He sighed. "You need to stay here. I can finally understand that." He paused as Liam rolled over in his sleep, waiting for him to settle once again before continuing. "You're having nightmares. You're miserable. You can't even look some of us in the eye anymore."

"I feel a bit ashamed that I'm choosing them over you." I confessed.

"Don't be ashamed. You're not choosing anyone over anyone. You're a compassionate guy, Harry. Now that you know that the boys and I will be alright, you can fully turn your attention to the others. We'll be fine, but you won't be if you don't know what's happening with them. So I'm telling you to stay here."

"You're making me stay here?" I asked, raising my eyebrow and smirking.

"Yes. Now get up and start getting your shit together."

I nodded and slowly descended the bunk bed's ladder, having a deja-vu moment from over a month ago. I hugged Niall as soon as my feet touched the ground and felt him squeeze me tightly in response. He patted my back and I turned to grab the knapsack off the floor. I packed the sweatshirts I had previously left behind before grabbing another pair of jeans.

"Here." I turned around at Niall's voice to see him holding a bottle of water and the camera.

"Thanks," I said smiling. "This means a lot to me, Niall."

"Don't expect a Christmas present from me this year."

I laughed but wondered if I'd even be home for Christmas. I pulled my hoodie on and slung the bag over my back. I nodded at Niall and we walked to the front room with the bunker's door.

"I'm going up with you. I'll say goodbye up there."

I nodded. I took a last look at the boys and bit my lip, knowing this would be the last I saw of them for a while. I took a mental picture and then climbed up the ladder, unlatching the lock and pushing the door open.

I climbed onto the grass and turned to look at Niall as he pulled himself out behind me. He stood next to me and I saw his eyes brimming with tears. I felt my own begin filling and pulled him close to me in a strong hug. He squeezed me tight and pulled back to look at me.

"I know you're going to be okay, Harry. If you die, I'll bring you back to life and kill you myself."

"I promise I won't."

"I'm holding you to that." He pulled me back in and I relished in the familiarity. "Listen," he said pulling back again. "And don't interrupt me. I don't know what's going on between you and this girl and, frankly, I don't think you do either. But if she wasn't at the library, would you still go back?"

I started to speak but stopped myself, feeling that I knew the answer but soon realizing that I couldn't give a confident one. Would I go back? I was going back to make sure everyone stayed safe, but if Tara wasn't there I felt the pull become weaker.

"It would be a harder decision?" I said, sounding unconfident as it came out as a question.

"The fact that you're not sure says enough. Keep her safe. I want to meet her one day." I opened my mouth to protest but shut it realizing there wasn't a point. "You need to go before it starts getting light. If there's anyway for us to contact you from home, we'll find out and do it." I nodded.

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