Chapter Thirty-Five

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It had been over a week since Tara had properly woken up and she was now able to walk on her own, something she was overjoyed with. She still had a slight cough when she rose her voice or laughed too hard, but it was nothing like how it had been nearly two weeks ago.

She was currently sat on the couch next to me reading a book, one hand on holding it and the other absentmindedly running through my hair. She looked up at me and made a face.

"The hell are you making that face for?"

"You're in desperate need of a haircut."

"Why would you say that?" She shrugged and smirked. "Come on; out with it." I pressed.

"My fingers get tangled in it whenever we kiss." She mumbled.

I laughed.


"So, I won't kiss you again until you get it cut." She smirked again and looked away. "Which means we'll never get a proper make out session in."

I felt something stir in the pit of my stomach. Tara hardly ever spoke about the physical aspects of our relationship. I was usually the one to initiate the kisses and they never exceeded two minutes as we were never able to find privacy. I didn't mind that I was the one to initiate things, Tara was usually too reserved to which I found endearing. The thought of having her to myself for even five minutes was worth more than hair that would grow back eventually.

"Are you going to cut my hair?"

"You're really going to cut it?" She asked. I nodded. "You don't have to. I don't want to be one of those girlfriends that controls their boyfriend's life."

"Relax, T. It's just hair. Now are you going to cut it?"

"God, no. I'd mess up. But Scarlett can."

"Scarlett can what?" Scarlett asked, walking over at the right time.

"He needs a haircut."

Scarlett smiled giddily.

"I'll get some scissors."

In five minutes time, Scarlett had me sitting in a chair in the middle of the kitchen, a pair of scissors in her hand. She ran her fingers through my hair, which had grown to just above my shoulders. She looked at it, her head tilted, trying to decide what to do.


"Hush, Harry. I'm thinking."

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"I went to cosmetology school. Or at least I did for a year. I know what I'm doing."

"Okay, but-."

"I've got it!" She began snipping and I gulped. "You're going to be such a babe magnet, I swear to god."

"Because there are so many girls I need to impress."

"Miss Adalyn is going to go wild."

I laughed.

She worked for another half hour and I grew anxious as I saw my hair on the floor.

"Done!" She said, wiping off the bits of hair that had fallen on my shoulder. "Go take a look."

I walked into the hallway to the men's bathroom and pushed open the door. I saw myself in the mirror and gasped. I hadn't been sure what to expect, but I wasn't about to complain. She had left it longer on top and had somehow managed to make the sides look buzzed having only used scissors. It felt nice not to have it weighing me down and it was a rather big change, but overall it looked great. I walked back out into the hallway and ran right into Tara. My hands instinctively grabbed a hold of her waist to steady the two of us as she grabbed into my upper arms to stop herself from falling over.

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